
Dror Aizenbud, DMD, MSC

  • Orthodontic and Craniofacial Center, School of
  • Graduate Dentistry
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  • Bruce and Ruth Rappaport Faculty of Medicine
  • Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
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Deteriorating credit and economic conditions as well as other factors in these countries have resulted in, and may continue to result in an increase in the average length of time that it takes to collect these trade receivables and may require Novartis to re-evaluate the collectability of these trade receivables in future periods. Usually for Novartis these are linked to milestone or royalty payments related to certain assets and are recognized as a financial liability or financial asset at their fair value, which is then re-measured at each subsequent reporting date. Changes in contingent consideration assets are recognized in "Other income" or "Other expense", depending on its nature. The effect of unwinding the discount over time is recognized for contingent liabilities in "Interest expense" and for contingent assets in "other financial income and expense" in the consolidated income statement. Trade receivables Trade receivables are initially recognized at their invoiced amounts including any related sales taxes less adjustments for estimated revenue deductions such as rebates, charge-backs and cash discounts. If the recoverable amount of the investment is estimated to be lower than the balance sheet carrying amount an impairment charge is recognized for the difference in the consolidated income statement under "Income from associated companies". Retirement and other postemployment benefit plans We sponsor pension and other post-employment benefit plans in various forms that cover a significant portion of our current and former associates. For post-employment plans with defined benefit obligations, we are required to make significant assumptions and estimates about future events in calculating the expense and the present value of the liability related to these plans. These include assumptions about the interest rates we apply to estimate future defined benefit obligations and net periodic pension expense, as well as rates of future pension increases. In addition, our actuarial consultants provide our management with historical statistical information such as withdrawal and mortality rates in connection with these estimates. Assumptions and estimates used by the Group may differ materially from the actual results we experience due to changing market and economic conditions, higher or lower withdrawal rates, and longer or shorter life spans of participants among other factors. Depending on events, such differences could have a material effect on our total equity. We record provisions for legal proceedings when it is probable that a liability has been incurred and the amount can be reliably estimated. These provisions are adjusted periodically as assessments change or additional information becomes available. For significant product liability cases, the provision is actuarially determined based on factors such as past experience, amount and number of claims reported, and estimates of claims incurred but not yet reported. Provisions are recorded for environmental remediation costs when expenditure on remedial work is probable and the cost can be reliably estimated. Provisions relating to estimated future expenditure for liabilities do not usually reflect any insurance or other claims or recoveries, since these are only recognized as assets when the amount is reasonably estimable and collection is virtually certain. Research & Development Internal Research & Development costs are fully charged to the consolidated income statement in the period in which they are incurred. We consider that regulatory and other uncertainties inherent in the development of new products preclude the capitalization of internal development expenses as an intangible asset usually until marketing approval from the regulatory authority is obtained in a relevant major market, such as for the United States, the European Union, Switzerland or Japan. Considerable judgment is required in estimating these contributions, as not all data is available when the estimates need to be made. This medical device tax is initially included in the cost of inventory as, for Alcon, the tax is usually levied on intercompany sales. In December 2015, Congress enacted a law that included a twoyear moratorium on applying the medical device excise tax, which expired on December 31, 2017. Provisions and Contingencies A number of Group companies are involved in various government investigations and legal proceedings (intellectual property, sales and marketing practices, product liability, commercial, employment and wrongful discharge, environmental claims, etc. Our tax returns are subject to examination by the competent taxing authorities, which may result in an assessment being made requiring payments of additional tax, interest or penalties. Since Novartis uses its intellectual property globally to deliver goods and services, the transfer prices within the Group as well as arrangements between subsidiaries to finance research and development and other activities may be challenged by the national tax authorities in any of the jurisdictions in which Novartis operates. Therefore, inherent uncertainties exist in our estimates of our tax positions, but we believe that our estimated amounts for current and deferred tax assets or liabilities, including any amounts related to any uncertain tax positions, are appropriate based on currently known facts and circumstances. These trends range from advances in science and technology that are opening new frontiers for research and development (R&D), to the growing and graying of populations that are boosting demand for chronic disease treatments (see page 15). At the same time, these trends contribute to certain risks and uncertainties in our operations. Anticipating and managing these risks can influence our ability to deliver strong financial performance and meet the needs of patients, healthcare providers, payors, regulators and shareholders.

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More generally gastritis znacenje buy 30 caps diarex, some also argue that the benefits achieved through the routine use of fetal tissue will further legitimize abortion and result in more socially permissive attitudes and policies concerning abortion gastritis diet generic diarex 30 caps without prescription. Although there has been one empirical study examining whether the potential for fetal tissue transplantation is likely to influence abortion decisions gastritis diet buy cheap diarex 30 caps, the issue remains largely speculative gastritis symptoms and chest pain cheap diarex 30 caps on line. The main deficiency of the study, however, is its reliance on a hypothetical that is stripped of the complexities of the actual circumstances a pregnant woman considering abortion might be operating under. It is difficult to deny that there is a risk that knowledge of the promise of research on stem cells derived from fetal tissue will play a role in some abortion decisions, even if only very rarely. However, it is not clear J-4 that much moral weight ultimately attaches to this fact. One might be justified in some instances in asserting that "but for" research using fetal tissue a particular woman would not have chosen abortion. But one might assign this kind of causal responsibility to a number of factors which figure into abortion decisions without making ascriptions of complicity. For example, a woman might choose to have an abortion principally because she does not want to slow the advancement of her education and career. She might not have had an abortion in the absence of policies that encourage career development. Yet, we would not think it appropriate to charge those who promote such policies as complicit in her abortion. In both this case and that of research, the risk of abortion is an unintended consequence of a legitimate social policy. The burden on those seeking to end such policies is to show that the risks of harm resulting from the policies outweigh the benefits (Childress 1991). This minimally requires evidence of a high probability of a large number of abortions that would not have occurred in the absence of those policies. There is, however, no such evidence at present; nor is there any reason to think that it is forthcoming. Symbolic Association Agents can be complicit with wrongful acts for which they are not causally or morally responsible. One such form of complicity arises from an association with wrongdoing that symbolizes an acquiescence in the wrongdoing. As James Burtchaell characterizes it, "It is the sort of association which implies and engenders approbation that creates moral complicity. Burtchaell maintains that those involved in research on fetal tissue enter a symbolic alliance with the practice of abortion in benefiting from it. A common response to this position is that there are numerous circumstances in which persons benefit from immoral acts without tacitly approving of those acts. For example, transplant surgeons and patients may benefit from deaths resulting from murder and drunken driving but nevertheless condemn the wrongful acts (Robertson 1988; Vawter et al. A researcher who benefits from an aborted fetus need not sanction the act of abortion any more than the transplant surgeon who uses the organs of a murder victim sanctions the homicidal act. This response has not, however, been satisfactory to opponents of fetal tissue research. They maintain that fetal tissue research implicates those involved in a different and far greater evil than is the transplant surgeon in the example above. Unlike drunken driving and murder, abortion is an institutionalized practice in which a certain class of humans (which pro-lifers regard as the moral equivalent of persons) are allowed to be killed. In this respect, some foes of abortion suggest that fetal tissue research is more analogous to research which benefits from victims of the Holocaust (Bopp 1994). But whatever one thinks of comparisons between the victims of Nazi crimes and aborted fetuses-and many are understandably outraged by them-one could concede the comparisons without concluding that fetal tissue research is morally problematic. There are, of course, some who believe that those who use data derived from Nazi experiments are morally complicit with those crimes. Science could thus stand accused of giving greater value to knowledge than to human life itself" (Seidelman 1989).

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These infections may surface after allogeneic transplant because your immune system is held in check (suppressed) by medicines called immunosuppressivedrugs gastritis diet green tea 30 caps diarex order with visa. Allogeneic transplant is most often used to treat certain types of leukemia9 gastritis symptoms dogs 30 caps diarex purchase visa, lymphomas10 gastritis hiv buy diarex 30 caps visa, multiple myeloma11 symptoms of gastritis in cats discount 30 caps diarex otc, myelodysplastic syndrome12, and other bone marrow disorders such as aplastic anemia. Mini-transplants (non-myeloablative transplants) 12 American Cancer Society cancer. Patients getting a mini transplant typically get lower doses of chemo and/or radiation than if they were getting a standard myeloablative transplant. The goal in the mini-transplant is to kill some of the cancer cells (which will also kill some of the bone marrow), and suppress the immune system just enough to allow donor stem cells to settle in the bone marrow. One advantage of a mini-transplant is that it uses lower doses of chemo and/or radiation. This makes it especially useful for older patients and those with other health problems. They may not work well for patients with a lot of cancer in their body or people with fast-growing cancers. Also, although there might be fewer side effects from chemo and radiation than those from a standard allogeneic transplant, the risk of graft-versus-host disease is the same. Some studies have shown that for some cancers and some other blood conditions, both adults and children can have the same kinds of results with a mini-transplant as compared to a standard transplant. Also, there are no cancer cells in the transplanted stem cells, as there might be in an autologous transplant. Every effort must be made to destroy all the cancer cells before the transplant is done to help keep the cancer from 13 American Cancer Society cancer. Half-matched transplants Improvements have been made in the use of family members as donors. The importance of matching patients and donors If possible, it is very important that the donor and recipient are a close tissue match to avoidgraft rejection. We inherit them from both of our parents and, in turn, pass them on to our children. Doctors try to match these antigens when finding a donor for a person getting a stem cell transplant. People with these matches have a lower chance of graft-versus-host disease, graft rejection, having a weak immune system, and getting serious infections. For bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cell transplants, 14 American Cancer Society cancer. Today, fewer tests may be needed for siblings, since their cells vary less than an unrelated donor. To help with this process, the team will use transplant registries, like those listed here. They can search for and access millions of possible donors and hundreds of thousands of cord blood units. Sometimes the best matches are found in people with a similar racial or ethnic background. When compared to other ethnic groups, white people have a better chance of finding a perfect match for stem cell transplant among unrelated donors. However, the chances of finding an unrelated donor match improve each year, as more volunteers become aware of registries and sign up for them. Finding an unrelated donor can take months, though cord blood may be a little faster. Also, now that transplant centers are more often using high-resolution tests, matching is becoming more complex. If your team finds an adult donor through a transplant registry, the registry will contact the donor to set up the final testing and donation. If your team finds matching cord blood, the registry will have the cord blood sent to your transplant center.

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Sometimes a caregiver is one person gastritis definition proven 30 caps diarex, but often several people can help at different times throughout the process gastritis dieta buy 30 caps diarex otc. A caregiver should be with the patient all the time once the patient is discharged from the hospital in case unexpected complications arise and help is needed gastritis diet sheet diarex 30 caps with amex. Blood and Marrow Stem Cell Transplantation I 11 Once the patient returns home gastritis kefir 30 caps diarex for sale, the caregiver will need to be prepared to help him or her by providing Medical Support. The caregiver(s) may have to {{Ensure {{Notice that the patient takes the correct dose of medication at the right time. Some conditions, such as infections and graft-versus-host disease, need to be treated quickly. The caregiver should be aware of symptoms and know the phone numbers to call during office hours, at night and on weekends. The caregiver(s) should anticipate that it may be necessary for them to {{Prepare meals and clean the house. After discharge from the hospital, patients need to make frequent medical appointments. The caregiver will need to provide transportation and accompany the patients to the appointments. As soon as a stem cell transplant is being considered as a treatment option, patients should discuss financial issues with their treatment team. Transplant centers have staff members who can help patients to get answers for financial questions concerning health insurance and financial assistance. Most insurance plans cover some of the costs of transplantation for certain cancers or diseases. Before undergoing transplantation, patients should contact their medical insurance providers and determine which costs the insurance provider will cover. If their insurance company denies coverage for a recommended treatment, procedure, or prescription medication, patients may be able to get the decision 12 I 800. Patients in need of financial assistance should talk with their transplant teams about organizations that offer financial assistance to patients who qualify. In addition to medical bills, both patients and caregivers may need to plan for taking time away from work. Patients and their caregivers may be eligible to take unpaid, job-protected leave with continuation of group health insurance coverage under the Family and Medical Leave Act. Patients should contact their human resources department to see whether they either have, or are eligible for, disability benefits. High doses of chemotherapy and radiation can affect cells in both male and female reproductive systems. Recovery from stem cell transplantation may take months to years, and patients of childbearing age may not be physically or psychologically ready to think about parenthood for several years after transplantation. Patients who may want to have children in the future should discuss options to preserve fertility before transplantation. Patients who have already received chemotherapy or radiation therapy prior to transplantation, may or may not be fertile. Women who are interested in trying to preserve their fertility should schedule an appointment with a fertility specialist before starting treatment. Blood and Marrow Stem Cell Transplantation {{Female I 13 One option for women is having their eggs frozen. Mature eggs are stimulated, removed and frozen, either unfertilized or fertilized with sperm. Another option is available for girls who do not yet have mature eggs and for women who must start treatment immediately and who do not have time to undergo egg retrieval; they can have ovarian tissue removed (during an outpatient surgical procedure) and then frozen for future transplantation back into the body. This method is considered experimental, but the goal is preserving enough immature eggs to save female fertility. During the transplantation process, a patient will need to have a number of intravenous (administered directly into a vein) infusions. In addition to the infusion of stem cells, patients may also receive other infusions, including fluids, chemotherapy, antibiotics, other drugs and transfusions of red blood cells and platelets. Patients will also need to have blood drawn frequently for testing to monitor their progress. These injections, if given individually, would be painful and the veins in the hands and arms could not sustain so many frequent needle pricks.

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