
Elizabeth C. Clark, MD, MPH

  • Assistant Professor
  • Department of Family Medicine
  • University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
  • Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
  • Somerset, New Jersey

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  • Achondrogenesis type 1B
  • Ahumada-Del Castillo syndrome
  • Sacral plexopathy
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The laboratory tests shown in Table 66-1 may assist in the differential diagnosis of hypoproliferative anemias prehypertension pdf generic cardizem 60 mg buy on-line. Defects in hemoglobin synthesis usually result from insufficient iron supply (iron deficiency) or decreased globin production (thalassemia) or are idiopathic (sideroblastic anemia) blood pressure medication lip order cardizem 120 mg free shipping. Homocysteine and methylmalonic acid levels are elevated in the setting of B12 deficiency heart attack but i cover up generic 180 mg cardizem with amex. Sickle cell anemia-characterized by a single-amino-acid change in globin (valine for glutamic acid in the 6th residue) that produces a molecule of decreased solubility arrhythmia 18 years old generic cardizem 60 mg with mastercard, especially in the absence of O 2. Two types: (a) warm antibody (usually IgG)-idiopathic, lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, systemic lupus erythematosus, drugs. Thalassemia: transfusion to maintain Hb > 90 g/L (>9 g/dL), folic acid, prevention of Fe overload with deferoxamine (parenteral) or deferasirox (oral) chelation; consider splenectomy and allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. The pathophysiology of neutrophilia involves increased production, increased marrow mobilization, or decreased margination (adherence to vessel walls). Causes (1) Infection-subacute bacterial endocarditis, tuberculosis, brucellosis, rickettsial diseases. Causes (1) Drugs, (2) parasitic infections, (3) allergic diseases, (4) collagen vascular diseases, (5) malignant neoplasms, (6) hypereosinophilic syndromes. The pathophysiology of neutropenia involves decreased production or increased peripheral destruction. Prolonged febrile neutropenia (>7 days) leads to increased risk of disseminated fungal infections; requires addition of antifungal chemotherapy. Rebound thrombocytosis may occur after marrow recovery from cytotoxic agents, alcohol. Prophylactic anticoagulation to lower risk of venous thrombosis recommended in some pts. Major complication of unfractionated heparin therapy is hemorrhage-manage by discontinuing heparin; for severe bleeding, administer protamine (1 mg/100 U heparin); results in rapid neutralization. Potentiating agents include chlorpromazine, chloral hydrate, sulfonamides, chloramphenicol, other broad-spectrum antibiotics, allopurinol, cimetidine, tricyclic antidepressants, disulfiram, laxatives, high-dose salicylates, thyroxine, clofibrate. Antiplatelet agents are useful in preventing strokes, complications from percutaneous coronary interventions, and progression of unstable angina. De novo resistance refers to the tendency of many of the most common solid tumors to be unresponsive to chemotherapeutic agents. In acquired resistance, tumors initially responsive to chemotherapy develop resistance during treatment, usually because resistant clones appear within tumor cell populations (Table 69-1). Resistance can be specific to single drugs because of (1) defective transport of the drug, (2) decreased activating enzymes, (3) increased drug inactivation, (4) increases in target enzyme levels, or (5) alterations in target molecules. There are distinct morphologic subtypes (Table 70-1) that have largely overlapping clinical features. Thus aggressive therapy must continue past the point when initial cell bulk is reduced if leukemia is to be eradicated. Typical phases of chemotherapy include remission induction and postremission therapy, with treatment lasting about 1 year. Comparison between transplantation and high-dose cytarabine as postremission therapy has not produced a clear advantage for either approach. The World Health Organization classification of myelodysplastic syndromes is shown in Table 70-3. Other terms that have been used to describe one or more of the entities include preleukemia and oligoblastic leukemia. Incidence and Etiology About 3000 cases occur each year, mainly in persons >50 years old (median age, 68).

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Subjective Norm with Nurse Compliance in Implementing Standard Precaution: Subjective norms are individual views of beliefs and expectations that come from other people around them and can influence the desire to behave or not10 pulse pressure 48 discount cardizem 60 mg with visa. The results of this study showed the same thing arteria vesicalis generic 120 mg cardizem free shipping, there was a relationship between subjective norms and nurse compliance to applying the standard precaution blood pressure cuff too small 60 mg cardizem buy visa. The results of this study indicate that the more subjective norms felt by nurses so that they conduct standard precaution prehypertension systolic pressure cheap cardizem 60 mg fast delivery, will encourage nurses to produce high compliance. The subjective norm can be the head of the room which is the role model and the other nurses that carry out prevention of infection. The existence of hospital policies that make nurses conduct standard precaution is also an example of subjective norm. The results of this study are in accordance with the other study which stated that subjective norms can influence to comply to a certain nurse caring procedure. Due to the existence of role models that apply standard precaution, the expectations of surrounding people to carry out standard precaution as well as a specific policies governing standard precaution, will make the nurse encourage to display high compliance12. People who have confidence that they do not have the opportunity factors to carry out a behavior, allow the intentions formed are not strong even though the attitude they have is positive for a behavior10. The results of statistical tests in this study shows that there is no relationship between perceived behavior control and the application of the standard precaution. From this study, obstacles related to the implementation of standard precaution did not prevent nurses from continuing to implement standard precaution. This is because if there are obstacles, but the nurse feels that they can handle it easily, then the implementation of standard precautionstill continues. Meanwhile, if nurses have obtained the convenience and benefits of implementing standard precaution but they did not used it properly, the implementation will be low. There is a study that show different results which states that perceived behavior control can influence nurses to comply with standard precaution procedures. This is because nurses feel facilitated, only have a few obstacles and have obstacles that can be anticipated when they want to implementing standard precaution. So that their control in carrying out the standard precaution procedure is high11. Intention is the determinant and disposition of behavior, so that individuals have the right opportunity and time to display the behavior in real terms. In general, if the individual has the intention to do a behavior, the individual tends to do the behavior. Conversely, if individuals do not have the intention to do a behavior then individuals tend not to do the behavior10. This is because the harder the intention of the individual to be involved in a behavior, the stronger the tendency of the individual to actually do the behavior. This research is also same with the study which shows the relationship between intention and safety behavior. This is because intention to do a behavior is a large individual control contribution that that will convert a willingness to do a certain behavior to become a real behavior13. The majority of nurses have a good attitudes toward behaviors, good subjective norms, less perceived behavioral control and less behavioral intention. Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo is by encouraged each other to implement standard precaution and grow their awareness that standard precaution is a good thing to implement and the responsibility must be carried out by all health workers in the hospital. Hospital management can make a detail standard operating procedures as guidelines for nurses in implementing standard precautions. In addition, hospital management can also monitor and evaluate the obstacles that occur during the process of applying standard precautions such as availability of facilities and lack of training. So that the application of the standard precaution can run optimally and can reduce the incidence of nosocomial infections in hospitals. Source of Funding: Self Ethical Clearance: Health Research Ethical Clearance Commission, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga. Midwives and Nurses Compliance with Standard Precautions in Palestinian Hospitals. Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Identify Predictors of Handwashig Among Iranian Healthcare Workers. Hubungan Sikap, Norma Subjektif, Persepsi Kontrol Perilaku dan Pengetahuan Terhadap Intensi Pelaporan Kecelakaan Kerja Perawat Rawat Inap Tulip dan Melati di Rumah Sakit X Kota Bekasi Tahun 2016. Determinant Description Of Patient Safety Incident At Health Workers In Hasanuddin University Hospital.

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Discussion this comparative study was done to compare health care system of Afghanistan with health care systems of Iran and Australia based on conceptual framework for health system classification of Wendt pulse pressure under 30 cheap cardizem 60 mg buy online, which classify the health systems with focus on the contribution of three actors in health system government heart attack pathophysiology discount 120 mg cardizem with mastercard, private sectors and societal scheme in three dimension of health system financing pulse pressure points 60 mg cardizem order with amex, provision and regulation blood pressure 10070 purchase cardizem 180 mg with mastercard. The finding of this study showed that there are some shortage and problems with health system of Afghanistan in comparison with health care system of Iran and specially Australia, such as centralized regulation, out of pocket payment and no societal scheme, and contracted provision of health services. In Afghanistan, the government acts as a dominant regulator of health care system in a centralized way, which is better to have the contribution of local government and private sector. High contribution of donors in financing health services in Afghanistan, may make problem in longterm, government should reduce this dependency of donors. Financing dimension, the most important one, government should lay the foundation for societal scheme for preventing the risk of financial hardship associated with out of pocket payment, which may lead to impoverishment and catastrophic health services cost. The contribution of private sector is low, it is better to make environment supportive and friendly for private sector partnership in health system. The contracting out of primary and secondary health services may raise the question of quality and quantity of health care services. Conclusion Findings of this study showed that the success of health system in two other countries, it seems that the applying the decentralization of regulation and contribution of private and societal scheme in financing and provision of health care is the best choice for improving the health care system in Afghanistan. Funding: None Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. Quality of service such as polite, empathetic and helpful has different understandings and perceptions from several similar studies and tends to vary greatly from culture to culture, because culture provides a framework for social interaction in society. Many writers have noted the influence of external variables on cultural expectations and recognition as a major determinant of consumer behavior. The research locations chosen were Andi Makkasau Pare Pare Regional Hospital, Siwa Regional Hospital, Wajo Regency, Lamadukelleng Regional Hospital, Wajo Regency, and Tenriawaru Regional Hospital, Bone Regency. This type of research is quantitative and the respondents in this study were patients from the hospitals mentioned above. The results of this study indicate that the visit variable, the value of bugis philosophical of Ada Na Gauk mostly is in good category with a visit variable 4 times that is equal to 82. Introduction the Bugis community is an ethnic group that occupies the middle partsouth of Jasirah South Sulawesi as the area of origin and place of residence according to Lontarak Attoriolongnge ri Pammana. Based on previous research, around 90% of death rates can be prevented by improving the quality of health care. Quality of service such as polite, empathetic and helpful has different understandings and perceptions from several similar studies and tends to vary greatly from culture to culture, because culture provides a framework for social interaction in society5. The existence of cultural characteristics, affect the values and perceptions of customers / consumers. Customer values have long been considered a source of competitive advantage for service organizations6,7. So the hospital Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. Patients and their families are unique individuals with different characteristics, attitudes, behaviors, personal needs, religion, beliefs and values. The results of service to patients will increase if the patient and family have the right to make decisions, be included in decision making services and processes in accordance with expectations, values, and culture8. Hospitals in South Sulawesi must maintain the quality of their services in providing services to their customers consisting of several ethnic groups, namely Bugis, Makassar, Mandar, Toraja. The Bugis community is an ethnic group that occupies the central and southern parts of South Sulawesi as their place of origin and residence. Among the 24 districts and municipalities there are several districts which are Bugis areas, each of which are: Bone, Wajo, Sinjai, Bulukumba, Soppeng, Sidenreng Rappang, Luwu, Pinrang, Kotamdya Pare Pare, Barru, Pangkajene Islands and Maros. The perception of service desired by consumers in the development of the hospital is polite, empathetic and helpful, almost all of which are included in the Bugis ideology. Their ability is to move to start a new life by upholding the ideology of sirik na pess. This Bugis ideology consists of four phrases; the first phrase is Ada Na Gauk (in line between words and deeds/honest/consistent/firm/independent), the second is Sipakatau (humanity/mutual attention/benefactors), the third is enumeration (unity/ fair/mutual help/ cooperation), the fourth is teppe (trust/mutual trust). This research focuses on cultural issues by examining regional public hospital services and Bugis ideology as a socio-cultural product. Bugis ideology contained in paseng or pappangngajatomatoa embodied in Lontarak and surekugik as well as other Bugis stories that allegedly created cultural phenomena in the form of local wisdom. This research tries to understand certain ethnic groups in South Sulawesi in producing cultural products in the form of community ideology. Location and Research Type: this research was conducted in 3 regencies in South Sulawesi, which are centered within the scope of 4 government hospitals, namely Andi Makkasau Hospital Pare Pare City, Siwa Hospita Wajo Regency, Lamadukelleng Hospital, Wajo Regency, and Tenriawaru Hospital, Bone Regency.

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