
Amar R. Chadaga, MD

  • Division of Internal Medicine
  • Evanston Northwestern Healthcare
  • Instructor of Medicine, Northwestern
  • Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Evanston, Illinois

Palavras-chave: neurologia medications 222 purchase 4 mg reminyl mastercard, literatura medications covered by blue cross blue shield buy reminyl 8 mg, alcoolismo permatex rust treatment reminyl 4 mg generic, depressгo symptoms glaucoma reminyl 4 mg online, encefalopatia de Wernicke. Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) is considered one of the greatest writers of universal literature and was the author of various masterpieces, including the famous poem "The Raven", published in 18451, 2. He has been claimed as the forerunner of the detective novel, and is known particularly for his horror stories and tales of mystery1, 2, 3, 4. The aim of this article is to review the relationship between neurology and the author, particularly the cause of his premature death. He became an orphan as a child and was adopted by John Allan and Frances Kelling from Richmond, in the American state of Virginia1, 3, 4. He started his studies at University of Virginia in Charlottesville in February 1826. Poe was never disciplined for any misconduct at the University, but he did engage in gambling and ran up a debt of about 2000 American dollars, that added to the money he needed for his tuition and living, forced him to leave the school. The whole situation was probably the cause of a traumatic he had with his foster father upon his return home. At age 18, Poe moved to Boston and quickly arranged the publication of his first book, a collection of poems under the title Tamerlane. At this point, Poe had no money and had no skills for any specific job, other than a writer. He was discharged after two years, and decided to go for the next step his military life, attending West Point Military Academy in the state of New York in July 1930. Less than one year later, on February 1831, he was expelled after been judged for neglect of duty and disobedience of orders to attend formations, classes, or church1, 3, 4. He also had financial difficulties and endless problems when working as a journalist and writer because of frequent bouts of depression, mood swings and abuse of substances such as alcohol, opium, laudanum and morphine1, 3, 4. He became involved with different women and eventually married his 13 year-old cousin Virginia Clemm, who also died from tuberculosis eleven years after their union. Among the more notable works in the various books published by Poe are, in addition to the famous poem the Raven, Tamerlane and Other Poems, the Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym, Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, and Extraordinary Tales, which includes the short stories the Fall of the House of Usher, the Black Cat, the Cask of Amontillado and the Murders in the Rue Morgue1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Finally, in A Tale of the Ragged Mountains, Poe gives a detailed description of a character with characteristics consistent with Marfan syndrome. A description of this syndrome was published by Antoine Marfan in Paris, France, in 18968. Undoubtedly, the episodes of depression could also have been triggered by countless environmental factors related to his family, including disease, death and financial hardship. Reports that Poe was extremely sensitive to alcohol, with exacerbated behavioral changes, resulted in a diagnosis of pathological intoxication being suggested4. The hallucinatory symptoms observed could also have been associated with the use of drugs and occasional abstinence from alcohol4, 5. Bazil, in an article published in 1999, put forward the hypothesis that Poe may have suffered from temporal lobe epilepsy triggered by alcohol abuse, which would explain the periods of confusion, with psychomotor automatisms and visual hallucinations (ictal and postictal states)9. What is known is that he was found in a highly confused state suffering from visual hallucinations and allegedly repeating the words "Reynolds! He died within three days, and a diagnosis of "congestion of the brain" due to hepatic encephalopathy caused by alcoholism was made1, 3, 4, 5, 9. Other hypotheses put forward included lung infection and sepsis, a previous head trauma during alcoholic intoxication with the development of an extradural hematoma, nonconvulsive status epilepticus and syphilis1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10. In other stories, such as Berenice and the Sphinx, there are also references to episodes that resemble complex partial epileptic seizures4. In the famous story the Fall of the House of Usher, Roderick Usher and other members of his family suffer from a hereditary disease that presents as pallor (anemia), hypersensitivity to light and weakness of the extremities together with behavioral disorders. This very detailed description led authors to the conclusion that Poe was describing porphyria, which had yet to be described in the literature4, 6. In another story (The Business Man), Poe describes the main character, "the business man", in great detail. However, in daily clinical practice the patient may very often become comatose without having presented with the original triad. Med Times In conclusion, Edgar Allan Poe, the gifted American writer, published various masterpieces with references to a range of neurological disorders.

The Role of the Media image enhancement market segmentation and symptoms 6 dpo discount 4 mg reminyl otc, 62 medicine used for anxiety purchase 4 mg reminyl with mastercard, 143 youth smoking and symptoms non hodgkins lymphoma generic reminyl 4 mg without prescription, 213 treatment centers buy generic reminyl 8 mg on line, 227­238, 228t­230t, 278­279 imagery. See also health warnings Canada, 311­312 global, 314, 603 laboratory-based experiments, 7 Lamb, Stephen P. See also specific lawsuit corporate advertising and, 197, 203 against tobacco companies, 182­183 L&M. See Liggett & Myers Loewy, Raymond, 64 logos, 63­64, 218, 311 longitudinal studies, 238, 484­485 entertainment media effects, 378t­379t, 383­ 385, 384f, 412 news media effects, 349 population-based, 510­516, 535 national campaigns, 515­516, 536 state campaigns, 512­515, 530, 535­536 youth smoking, 258­268, 259t­263t Lorillard Tobacco Company. See also specific brand advertising themes, 226­227 California Tobacco Control Program and, 562 638 Monograph 19. The Role of the Media corporate image, 182, 192 correspondence with California Assistant Attorney General, 422 deceptive advertising, 77 Legacy case, 569­571 marketing expenditures, 124t, 125t opposition to state initiatives, 621 package design, 106 product placement, 401 targeted marketing, 56­58, 62, 170 youth-oriented marketing, 217, 224­227 youth smoking prevention campaign, 150, 190­192, 433, 449, 462, 570 Lorillard v. Reilly, 298, 300, 302 low-tar cigarettes corrective advertising for, 460­461 deceptive advertising, 76­79, 308­310 smoking initiation and, 277­278 target market for, 166­168 Lucky Strike (brand) logo, 63­64 magazine advertising, 363 product placements, 374 target market, 55, 155, 360 viral marketing, 109 Lundberg, George D. Reynolds Tobacco Company, 58 Marden, Roy, 183 marginal effects, 271­272 marketing consumer, 5 neural, 35 stakeholder, 5 marketing expenditures, 100, 118­127, 119t, 120f, 121t­125t, 132­133, 598­599 advertising bans and, 272, 273t, 274­275 antitobacco, 607­609 by brand, 125t, 126, 133 cigars, 127­129, 129t classification of, 102­105, 126­127 by company, 123, 124t, 133 corporate image advertising, 193, 194f cross-sectional studies of, 273t, 274 economics of, 269­272 light cigarettes, 127, 128f by media type, 119, 121t, 126, 127t smokeless tobacco, 129­130, 130t, 133 sponsorships, 184 time-series studies of, 272­274, 273t tobacco consumption relative to , 212­213, 268­278, 280 econometric studies, 272­277, 273t, 280 youth brands, 84­85 marketing strategy, development of, 54­55 marketplace rationale, for free speech, 295 market research, 39 market segmentation, 55­62, 86, 143­145. See also entertainment media; specific film audience reach, 374­376 censorship of, 399­400 as global advertising medium, 374 historical perspective, 360­364 influence of, 42, 601 link between tobacco industry and, 360­364 product placement in (See product placement) rating of, 366, 370, 373, 400­401, 404­408, 601 tobacco control advertising in, 373 tobacco use in, 360, 362, 370­376, 412 beliefs about smoking and, 388­391 characteristics of, 372­373 content analysis of, 364­376 methodological issues, 366­370, 367t­ 369t, 380­381, 381t by movie type, 370­371 general reactions to movies and, 391­392 restriction of, 391, 413 collaborative approaches to , 403­404 confrontational approaches to , 404­407 other potential strategies, 407­409 voluntary, 401­402 trends in, 371­372 tobacco use prevalence and, 371 movie theaters, antitobacco advertising in, 409 Mozingo, Roger L. Shalala, 299 peer acceptance, adolescent need for, 36, 216­217, 265, 278, 383 perceived effectiveness, 457 Perpich, Rudolph G. See also specific brand advertising themes, 147, 220, 226 antitobacco advertising, 457, 462 "Bill of Rights" tour, 443 California Tobacco Control Program and, 558 corporate advertising, 180­184, 189­198, 194f, 198­202 corporate Web site, 197­198 deceptive advertising, 78 644 Monograph 19. See also specific study comprehensive antitobacco programs, 527­533 design and context of, 481 longitudinal, 510­516, 530 methodology, 510­512, 535 overview of, 509­510 summary of, 534­537 population groups. See also magazine(s); newspaper(s) for smoking cessation, tailored, 465, 468 print media advertising. See corporate image public opinion media effects on, 27, 29 news media as source of, 330, 332­333, 336, 351 public relations. See also controlled field experiments Quebec Court of Appeal (Canada), 311­312 Quebec Superior Court trial (Canada), 57 Question 1 (Massachusetts), 584, 586, 587t, 590t Question 4 (Nevada), 584 Question 713 (Oklahoma), 584, 586­587, 587t, 591, 591t quit and win contests, 442­443, 503 "Quit for Life" programs (Australia), 493, 494t, 498t, 501­502, 504, 509, 515, 533­534 quitlines, 606, 608 calls to , effect of media campaigns on, 533­534 television advertising of, 508 R race. The Role of the Media Reality Bites (film), 389 rebelliousness theme, 220­222, 278, 362, 364, 393 Rebel Without a Cause (film), 362, 364 recall of specific advertising, 240­241, 256­257, 381, 381t, 513­514 receptivity to advertising, 240, 258, 513 recycling of antitobacco advertising, 609 referenda. Canada (Attorney General), 311 roachers, 110 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 403 romantic themes, 148, 362 Roswell Park Hospital, "Hall of Shame" Web site, 153 Rubin v. See socioeconomic status sex appeal, as advertising theme, 217­221, 278 sexual imagery, 72­73, 148­149, 221 Shadow of Destiny (game), 398 Shofe, Allen M. See tobacco use smoking cessation contests, 442­443, 503 expectancy-value models in, 30 expert-tailored, 465 information centers, 533­534 news coverage and, 343 online, 463­468, 606 role of media in, 35, 606­607 short term media-based events, 441­442 studies of, 502­508 televised clinics, 504 smoking cessation products, advertising of, 434, 448, 455, 458, 469, 607 smoking initiation entertainment media and, 361, 365, 384, 389, 394 social learning and, 389 stages in, 239 time-series studies of, 277­278 youth (See youth smoking initiation) smoking susceptibility antitobacco campaign aimed at, 524 entertainment media and, 380, 382, 382f, 389 measures of, 239, 257, 265­267, 279­280 648 Monograph 19. The Role of the Media "Smooth Character" Campaign, 221­223 Snatch (film), 364 social cognitive theory, 31­32 social conditions media role in, 40­41 tobacco use in movies and, 371, 373 social costs, as rationale for regulation, 75, 87 social determinants, 35 social influences, controlling for, 238­239, 256, 279 social issues news coverage of, 335, 339 sponsorship of (See sponsorships) socialization, role of media in, 26­27 social needs, adolescent, 216­217, 265, 278 social network analysis, 36 social networking, online, 612 social network-level framework, for media effects research, 25, 27, 40­44 social norms behavior change and, 30­32, 446, 455 effect of tobacco advertising on, 100 entertainment media and, 389 media messages reinforcing, 41 movies and, 363­364 social responsibility, corporate. See military service members Som + Bank (film), 400 Sony Pictures, 401 Sorrell, William H. See also specific state from 1988-2006, 581t­582t, 585, 592 analysis results, 589­591, 590t, 591t criticisms of, 579­582 history of, 578­579 language of, 580, 583 methods, 584­585 role of media in, 583­584 states with, 579t by type allowed, 580t success of, 592 tobacco industry opposition to , 585­592, 590t, 591t, 619­626 state lawsuits, against tobacco industry, 565­569 state prohibitions, on sales to minors, 305 statistical data analysis, 483­484 statistical power, issues of, 482­483 Statue of Nicotina, 443 stealth marketing. Smokeless Tobacco Corporation), 144­145, 154 Utah, tobacco control programs, 455 U ultralight cigarettes, 166­168 United Kingdom advertising code violations, 82 antitobacco media campaign, 462, 522­523 legislation, 69, 313 magazine advertising, 396­397 market segmentation, 57 media-effects research, 276 news coverage, 342 No Smoking Day, 442, 534 smoking cessation programs, 500t, 507­508, 534 surreal advertising, 68­74, 85 youth-oriented marketing, 214 youth smoking, 257, 264, 267­268 youth smoking prevention campaign, 463 United States v. Constitution direct votes under, 579­580 First Amendment (See First Amendment) V Valenti, Jack, 402­404 State Attorneys General correspondence with, 418­421 Valentine v. See health warnings Waxman, Henry, 561 Wayne County (Michigan) Medical Society Foundation, 444 Web sites. The Role of the Media recognition of, 240, 257, 267­268, 279 self-image and, 232­238, 235t­236t, 278­280 youth psychological needs, 213­216 gender and, 213, 217­220 influence of marketing and, 213­227, 278­280 youth smoking adult smoking prevention efforts and, 606 brand image and, 232­238, 235t­236t, 278­ 280 cigarette prices and, 120, 506 entertainment media and, 42 news coverage and, 343­344 point-of-purchase promotions and, 132, 158, 236, 599­600 prevalence of, 58 video games and, 112­114, 601 youth smoking initiation entertainment media and, 377, 380, 382, 382t, 389, 394 family influences on, 383 image enhancement and, 227­232, 228t­230t, 279­280 influences on, 212­214, 266­267, 279­280 measures of, 513­514 news media effects on, 344 product placement and, 599, 601 rates of, 361, 361f sampling distribution and, 256, 265­266 stages in, 239 time-series studies of, 277­278, 537 youth smoking prevention campaigns effectiveness of, 150, 193, 196­197, 203, 449­456, 484­492 mass media, 433 news media and, 337 state-sponsored, 523­524, 536 tobacco industry-sponsored, 150, 190­193, 204, 449, 469, 520, 522, 536, 553, 570­ 571, 602 youth smoking research, 238­268, 279­280 controlled field experiments, 484­492, 486t­ 489t, 508, 535 cross-sectional studies, 241­258, 242t­255t longitudinal studies, 258­268, 259t­263t, 530 methodological issues, 238­240 randomized studies, 233­238, 235t­236t YouTube, 601, 612 Z Zack (brand), 106 zero marginal effect, 271 655. Care that used to take place only in brick-and-mortar settings can now occur digitally. Accordingly, hospitals and health systems are exploring a variety of virtual care models, many of which are underpinned by telehealth technology. This report is based on information and insights taken from a number of sources, including interviews with hospital and health system leaders and other health care experts, surveys of hospital and health systems, and a number of health care reports and research articles. Patients are 97% increasingly making decisions about who delivers their care and engaging in the delivery of that care digitally. As a result, hospitals and health systems need a strategy for their own digital transformation. Hospitals already are using telehealth to improve access and fill gaps in care; provide services 24/7; and expand access to medical specialists.

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