
Jennifer Freedman, PhD

  • Assistant Professor in Medicine
  • Member of the Duke Cancer Institute


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In frogs gastritis symptoms hunger ranitidine 150 mg buy without prescription, fertilization is external while salamanders have internal fertilization gastritis stomach pain 150 mg ranitidine purchase free shipping. Examples of reptiles are lizards gastritis diet quotes ranitidine 300 mg purchase online, snakes gastritis yeast infection 150 mg ranitidine order with mastercard, turtles, crocodiles, and dinosaurs (now extinct). Reptiles are adapted for life on land, although some, like crocodiles, live in water. Bird Birds are endothermic, egg-laying vertebrates with characteristics forelimbs modified to form wings. Unlike reptiles, birds are endothermic and some species can tolerate the cold polar regions. They also have many adaptations for flight such as feathers, wings, hollow bones, and air sacs. Most mammals are covered with hair or fur and have specialized teeth that help them to cut or chew their food. Reproduction Mammals have internal fertilization and most give birth to developed young. In placental mammals, embryos develop inside the mother in an organ called a uterus. The gestation period is the time it takes for an embryo to develop and varies among mammals. Evolution of Mammals evolved from a now-extinct mammals group of reptiles called therapsids (shown to the right). The smallest mammal-the bumblebee bat-is only about 3 centimeters long and weighs about 2 grams! One difference is that mammals have a larger cornea - part of the eye that, along with the lens, refracts and focuses light. Their well-developed brains allow mammals to think, learn, and quickly respond to changes in their environment. The lens is a transparent structure that, along with the cornea, refracts and focuses light. The pupil is a hole in the iris that controls the amount of light entering the eye. A ring of tiny ciliary muscles connects the lens to the inner surface of the iris. The retina is a thin layer of cells in the back of the eye that converts light into nerve signals. List the four types of tissues that make up vertebrate organs and explain their functions. Crabs: An Undersea Arms Race Wedged in the rocky hollow of a coral reef, a red-spotted crab, Carpilius maculatus, reaches out with its hefty right claw and grabs an unsuspecting snail from the ocean floor. Unable to cut the shell open, the hungry crab tries another tactic: squeezing the shell with crushing force until at last it gives way with a loud pop. Vermeij and his assistants kept careful records of the outcome of each crab and snail encounter. They learned which features help the snails withstand attacks and which features make them likely to become crab lunch. Vermeij still needed to know if shell breakage is a frequent cause of death for snails in Guam and other tropical environments. Chapter 15 Connection An embedded observer Witnessing this struggle off the coast of Guam is Dr. Tropical shells from Guam and Jamaica, for example, have evolved differently despite their similar climates. He thinks that some variations in shells may be linked to the different types of predators faced by snails in different areas. He found that more than 50 percent of these shells had telltale signs of predator breakage.

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The organization of the long-stay hospital ward dr weil gastritis diet purchase 300 mg ranitidine overnight delivery, the training and duties of its personnel gastritis test cheap 150 mg ranitidine fast delivery, and the quality of care provided vary greatly and determine the therapeutic value of the hospital experience (589 gastritis rash discount ranitidine 150 mg buy online, 590) gastritis university of maryland cheap ranitidine 300 mg buy on line. Paradoxically, despite its demonstrated efficacy, the token economy is not often used in clinical settings (593, 594). Obstacles to its implementation include resistance by staff members who hold to traditional custodial methods, increased costs (for the reinforcers backing up the tokens), lack of support from administrators, and inadequate training of clinical staff (595). Crisis residential programs the treatment of patients outside of large institutions is a fundamental objective of community psychiatry, and this objective creates the need for adequate community-based acute care as part of the comprehensive array of services needed to support persons with serious mental illness in the community. In many mental health systems, acute-care episodes involving hospitalization are the single largest cost element in the array of services needed to provide community care. Crisis residential facilities are homes in neighborhoods that are staffed and organized to accept and treat patients with serious mental illness in lieu of voluntary psychiatric admission. The findings of three randomized controlled trials indicate that crisis residential programs can deliver clinical outcomes comparable to those of hospital care at significantly less cost. In addition, crisis residential models have been successfully integrated into mental health systems in demonstration projects in a wide range of communities throughout the United States and overseas. Day hospitalization or partial hospitalization Day hospitalization can be used as an immediate alternative to inpatient care for acutely psychotic patients or to continue stabilization after a brief hospital stay. Brief overnight stays on inpatient units should be available for patients who demonstrate severe exacerbation of symptoms. As with all alternatives to inpatient care for acutely ill patients, the patient should not be considered at risk of harming self or others, should have the capacity to cooperate at least minimally in treatment, should have a significant other willing to provide care (a crisis residence can perform the same function), and should have access to appropriate community treatment resources. Metaanalyses have shown that day hospitalization has been associated with reductions in overall days of inpatient care, more rapid resolution of symptoms, and decreased overall costs with no increase in burden to family members. The Cochrane review (609) combined data from nine studies involving acutely ill patients, the majority of whom had a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Day treatment Generally, day treatment programs are used to provide ongoing supportive care for marginally adjusted patients with schizophrenia in the later part of the stabilization phase and the stable phase of illness. Long-term day treatment attendance was thought to improve engagement (615), improve clinical outcome (615), and reduce readmission rates (616, 617). However, a Cochrane review found that there was no evidence that day care centers were better or worse than outpatient care in their effects on any clinical or social outcome variable (609). There was some evidence that day treatment might be more expensive than outpatient care (156, 618, 619). However, the development of effective models of vocational rehabilitation and social skills training, as discussed in Part B, Sections V. At this point in the development of psychosocial services, the effectiveness of day programs is likely to be a function of the quality of the programming patients receive while they attend. Thus, when planning for treatment in the stable phase of Treatment of Patients With Schizophrenia 57 Copyright 2010, American Psychiatric Association. Housing the advent of community-based care has produced a challenge regarding the housing of persons with severe mental illness and its connection to psychiatric care. Other than living with family, choices include hostels, group homes, therapeutic communities, and supported independent tenancies. Increasingly, people with severe mental illness are choosing to live as independently as possible in self-contained accommodations because sharing accommodation with other residents who also have mental illness can seem like living in an institution (620). In the transitional housing paradigm, patients live in housing that is directly connected to psychiatric treatment. The underlying assumption is that patients "transition" through housing with decreasing levels of supervision as their mental status improves. Housing is typically in independent units, and mental health services are provided as needed in order to support patients in retaining their housing. Therefore, in a transitional housing model, a patient who is experiencing a relapse or worsening of symptoms would be moved to a housing setting with a higher level of supervision. In a supported housing model, such a patient would simply receive increased psychiatric services in his or her home, to facilitate housing stability. The type of supported housing available to people with mental disorders seems to be dependent on the local availability of resources (621). A transitional halfway house is defined as a residential facility providing room and board and promoting socialization until suitable housing is available (623). It is used as a transitional facility between the hospital and the community for recovering patients. These facilities have on-site staff and are used for chronically functionally disabled persons.

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References Plato but Aristotle difficult Because gastritis joint pain generic 300 mg ranitidine overnight delivery, like are the commonplace contemporary in Aristotle Russian chronic gastritis biopsy buy discount ranitidine 150 mg on line. Learning to Action and the Modern Understandingof Explanation 45 make these kinds of judgments is not something the formulas of episfeme can provide gastritis diet ranitidine 150 mg buy on-line. For Aristotle gastritis diet purchase ranitidine 300 mg on line, as mentioned earlier, there is no Platonic Form of the Good that, together with initial conditions, offers a practical syllogism with a deductive conclusion. Instead, moral education into practical wisdom, phronesis teaches through example (not formulas). And this long educational process, Aristotle would say, is the only way to learn to tell a wink from a blink! This asymmetry between science and practical wisdom would not be exploited for many centuries. During the early Renaissance the recovery, of ancient history and literature only intensified the " feeling for the kaleidoscopic diversity and contextual dependence of human affairs" (Toulmin 1990, 26). Phrased in Aristotelian terminology, phronesis ranked above episfeme During the late medieval and early Renaissance and in stark. Even the fractured space of competing vanishing points so characteristic of triptychs reflects the late medieval and early Renaissance toleration of ambiguity and multiple perspectives (Ermarth 1992). Descartes, phronesis would lose not only its superior status but even its respectability as a legitimate form of rational thought. As occurred in painting, where the single vanishing point became the norm, the logic of episfemewould become the sole model for rationality. Kanfian Teleology Despite having been awakened from his dogmatic slumbers by Hume, Kant refused to follow his awakener in matters causal. As a staunch Newtonian, Kant opted for a potent version of causation as one of his categories of the understanding. Kant was troubled, however, by the fact that in apparent contradiction to Newtonian mechanics, for which all causal forces are external to the system upon which they act, organisms exhibit a built -in formative force. An intrinsic physical end, in contrast, is such that it is " both causeand effect of itself " (18, 64, Ak. As an example of an intrinsic physical end Kant cites a tree: " in the genus, now as effect, now as cause, continually generated from itself and likewise generating itself, it preserves itself generically. It is this type of causality, wherein a physical end is both cause and effect of itself, that is properly termed " final. To consider a living thing an intrinsic physical end, the first condition " is that its parts, both as to their existence and form, are only possible by their relation to the whole" (Kant 1980, 20, 65, Ak. Although the principle of finality is derived from experience, the idea that determines it incorporates all that is contained within it, and is in that sense a priori. And therein lies the integrity of living things, for by being reciprocally cause and in effect of the whole, the parts form a unity and not just an aggregate. The organic integrity of living things makes it difficult to accept that we are no different from a heap of organic molecules. Since living things both are produced by and, in turn, produce the whole, each part exists in virtue of the agency of the others and the whole, and in turn exists for the sake of the others and the whole. V, 372) andas wellprioriprogressive dependency " physical ends 65, Ak regressive are a as in the sense mentioned earlier. An organism is not a machine and therefore cannot be understood mechanistically precisely because machines lack formative power, that is, they neither produce nor reproduce themselves, nor do they self-organize. No machine exhibits this kind of organization, for the efficient cause of a machine lies " outside " the machine in its designer, and its parts do not owe their existence to each other or to the whole (22, 65, Ak. These considerations convinced Kant that natural organisms cannot be understood according to mechanism in general or its version of causality in particular. Although organisms cannot be explained mechanistically because of this strange kind of recursive causality unknown to us, Kant concluded that the impasse is due to a limitation of reason. His solution: relegate teleology and purposiveness to the " regulative judgment " by virtue of the self-organization that is their hallmark. By appealing to the critical turn, Kant thereby avoided an antinomy between mechanism and finality while allowing that mechanism and finality can perhaps be reconciled in the supersensible, a reconciliation, unfortunately, that we will never know.


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