
Andrew I. Schafer, MD

  • Professor of Medicine, Director, Richard T. Silver Center for Myeloproliferative Neoplasms, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, New York


Vitamin D3 is formed from 7-dehydrocholesterol by ultraviolet irradiation of skin medications prednisone cheap divalproex 500 mg with amex. In contrast to peptide hormones medications with weight loss side effect cheap 250 mg divalproex with amex, steroid hormones have longer circulating half-lives and may be active when administered orally treatment qt prolongation discount 500 mg divalproex overnight delivery. After secretion into the circulation treatment concussion divalproex 500 mg purchase line, steroid hormones are bound to transport glycoproteins made in the liver. The transport proteins, which have a binding but not an activity site, provide a reservoir of hormone, protected from metabolism and renal clearance, that can be released to cells. Free steroid hormone, which is in equilibrium with that bound to transport protein, enters cells to bind intracellular receptors and generate biologic responses. The free fraction is also the active one in feedback regulation, so it is the concentration of free hormone that is altered in homeostatic responses. The free fraction is very small compared with the bound fraction, but total hormone concentrations from both fractions are measured in most clinical assays. Conditions such as pregnancy, which alter binding protein concentrations, alter total measured hormone but not the biologically relevant free hormone concentration. In special clinical situations, measurement of binding protein concentration and of free hormone may be required for accurate assessment. Steroid hormones are metabolized principally in the liver to inactive water-soluble metabolites. Cortisol is inactivated by reduction of the double bond in the A ring and conjugation to glucuronide or sulfate at carbon 3 to make it water soluble for renal excretion. Androstenedione produced in the ovary and the adrenal gland can be converted to testosterone in peripheral tissues. Significant 1186 quantities of estradiol are produced by conversion of circulating precursors. Like their hormonal ligands, receptor synthesis is highly regulated to control cellular responses and sensitivity to hormones. Receptor synthesis is increased in response to environmental or developmental need or is repressed in negative feedback loops and during stages of development. Receptor concentration is as important as hormone concentration in determining cell responses. Regulation of receptor synthesis is therefore central to providing coordinated and appropriate endocrine responses. Multiple hormones cooperate to coordinate development, reproduction, and homeostasis. When a hormone has elicited an appropriate response, the signal must be terminated. In addition to the buffering that occurs in target cells, feedback control is the principal mechanism through which this occurs. Feedback loops are especially important for communication between organs that are spatially separated. The hormonal products of peripheral endocrine glands such as thyroid, adrenal cortex, ovary, and testis exert negative feedback control over the synthesis and secretion of the stimulatory pituitary hormone. Feedback, which occurs at the level of the pituitary cell and in the hypothalamus, operates by control of several essential steps. Feedback principles provide an exquisitely sensitive system for making appropriate changes and then returning to the homeostatic set point. Feedback operates not only through steroid and thyroid hormones but also through peptides and ions. Physiologic responses result from many different cell types and organs acting in concert. The necessary coordination is provided both by a hormone acting at multiple sites and by each hormone eliciting multiple responses, which sum to give the overall effect. Integrated responses require that one hormone regulate the synthesis or action of another; the nervous system is integrated into the overall response.

Pharmacologic treatment is also effective and may be combined with behavioral interventions treatment 5th disease purchase divalproex 500 mg amex. For stress incontinence in women medicine cabinets with lights divalproex 500 mg purchase fast delivery, alpha-adrenergic medications enhance the contraction of periurethral smooth muscle medications like abilify purchase 250 mg divalproex fast delivery. Estrogen alone is not effective for stress incontinence top medicine generic divalproex 500 mg online, and topical estrogen appears to be more effective than oral estrogen for lower urinary tract symptoms. Bladder relaxant medications can be effective in managing urge incontinence, but they are often limited by their anticholinergic side effects (especially dry mouth). Tolterodine, the newest approved bladder relaxant, may have fewer bothersome side effects than other anticholinergics. New approaches to the pharmacologic management of urge incontinence, including alternative delivery systems and new classes of drugs, are under development. Pharmacologic treatment of an underactive bladder associated with chronic urinary retention and overflow incontinence is not generally effective. Surgical treatment can be highly effective in women with stress incontinence, at least over a 1- to 5-year period. Women with intrinsic sphincter weakness (as opposed to urethral hypermobility) may benefit from periurethral injections of collagen. Three approaches may, however, be of some benefit and are worthy of brief consideration. First, general education about bladder health and the behavioral and dietary factors that can affect it can help people understand that urinary incontinence and related urinary problems are not normal and that when such symptoms do occur, they should seek evaluation and treatment. Whether patients will comply and the long-term effectiveness of this intervention are currently under investigation. Analysis of data from large-scale trials of estrogen therapy in postmenopausal women should shed some light on this issue in the future. S tate-of-the-art symposium on the pathophysiology and management of the overactive bladder. Methods of a prospective ultrastructural/urodynamic study and an overview of the findings. One of a series of elegant studies that relate the basic pathology of the bladder to clinical and urodynamic characteristics of incontinent older patients. An evidence-based guideline that includes a diagnostic algorithm and treatment guidelines. Chapter 7 of this text is a comprehensive review of urinary incontinence in the geriatric population. Several of the articles provide specific information on the diagnosis and management of urinary incontinence. Comprehensive review of the etiology and management of urinary incontinence in the setting in which it is most prevalent. Digestive diseases account for over 50 million office visits annually and nearly 10 million hospital admissions. Colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of cancer in men and women, and, when all of the gastrointestinal organs are combined, gastrointestinal malignancies are the most common of any organ system. Finally, gastrointestinal diseases as a group account for approximately 10% of all deaths each year. Thus, the practicing physician must understand the various functional and anatomic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and provide cost-effective and successful management. Dysfunction of the epithelial absorptive process and of the smooth muscle contractile process causes the major pathologic processes related to the gastrointestinal tract. The epithelium allows the absorption of fluid, electrolytes, and nutrients in health and the secretion of huge volumes of fluid and electrolytes in disease. The rapid turnover of the epithelial cells, which have a life span of 3 to 7 days, allows environmental interaction with genes that may lead to the development of neoplasia. The common diseases affecting the muscular layers are disorders of integrated function controlled by secreted hormones, paracrine mediators, and the enteric nervous system. Disruption of this neuroendocrine control of the gastrointestinal tract is much more likely to cause symptom-complexes. However, it would be a mistake to view the gastrointestinal tract only as a muscular tube with an epithelial lining. The enteric nervous system contains between 10 and 100 million neurons, a conglomerate equal to the total number in the spinal cord. If the total number of enteroendocrine cells were put together into a single organ, it would probably be the largest endocrine gland in the body.

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This syndrome of androgen insensitivity is inherited either as an X-linked recessive or as a sex-limited autosomal dominant trait treatment 1st degree av block order divalproex 500 mg line. Despite the presence of intra-abdominal or inguinal testes medicine interaction checker 500 mg divalproex buy otc, there is complete failure of virilization medications with weight loss side effect discount 500 mg divalproex free shipping. Affected individuals develop breasts (but only to Tanner stage 3) and a typical female habitus with unambiguous female external genitalia but with absence of internal female structures treatment yeast infection women buy divalproex 250 mg without a prescription, generally having only a foreshortened blind-ending vagina. Feminization occurs in affected girls, and they develop normal breasts and a typical female habitus, but masculinization also occurs. Menarche may be delayed as well, so that young women may present with primary amenorrhea. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is generally diagnosed prior to puberty, and heterosexual precocious pseudopuberty is typical. However, if the defect is mild and changes to the external genitalia are minimal, masculinization may occur at the expected age of puberty. This attenuated or nonclassic form of 21-hydroxylase deficiency seems to occur in families with a strong family history of hirsutism. Affected girls generally have some defeminization with flattening of the breasts, severe hirsutism, relatively short stature, and obesity. Mixed gonadal dysgenesis designates asymmetrical gonadal development, with a germ cell tumor or a testis on one side and an undifferentiated streak, rudimentary gonad, or no gonad on the other. The extent of genital virilization prior to puberty is variable in this rare disorder. The vast majority are reared as girls, in whom virilization occurs at puberty; some may note breast development as well. Gonadectomy is indicated in all individuals with a Y chromosome to eliminate the increased neoplastic potential of such dysgenetic gonads and in all patients in whom virilization occurs at puberty to remove the source of androgen. Other causes of male pseudohermaphroditism associated with heterosexual pubertal development are described in Chapter 246. A detailed discussion of the disorders of sexual differentiation organized similarly to the discussion in this chapter. A detailed and excellently referenced discussion of normal and abnormal pubertal development. Between menarche at approximately age 12 years and the menopause at about age 51 years, the reproductive organs of normal women undergo a series of closely coordinated changes at approximately monthly intervals that together comprise the normal menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle is the expression of the coordinated interactions of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, with associated changes in the target tissues (endometrium, cervix, vagina) of the reproductive tract. A menstrual cycle begins with the first day of genital bleeding (day 1; menses) and ends just prior to the next menstrual period. The median menstrual cycle length is 28 days, but normal ovulatory menstrual cycles may range from about 21 to 40 days in length. Menstrual cycles vary most greatly in length in the years immediately following menarche and in the years immediately preceding menopause, largely because of an increased incidence of anovulatory cycles. Irregularities in menstrual cycle length also may be caused by abrupt changes in diet, exercise, or environment; serious emotional disturbances; and following parturition or abortion. The menstrual cycle can be divided into three distinct phases: follicular, ovulatory, and luteal. The preovulatory follicle destined for ovulation is selected from 1328 Figure 250-1 (Figure Not Available) the idealized cyclic changes observed in gonadotropins, estradiol (E2), progesterone (P), and uterine endometrium during the normal menstrual cycle. Some women experience brief (a few minutes to a few hours in length), dull, unilateral pelvic pain near the time of ovulation, termed mittelschmerz. The association of this pain to ovulation is unknown, but it may be due to leakage of follicular fluid into the abdominal cavity at ovulation. Mittelschmerz may occur before or after actual ovulation or not at all in ovulatory women. The more constant half of the menstrual cycle, the luteal phase, is approximately 14 days in length and ends with the onset of menses.


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Libido is highly sensitive to testosterone medicine grace potter lyrics purchase 500 mg divalproex visa, thus explaining the preservation of erectile capacity in many men with partial androgen deficiency medicine used for anxiety discount divalproex 250 mg amex. In contrast medicine on time discount divalproex 250 mg free shipping, erectile dysfunction is common in older men despite normal serum testosterone levels; the latter effect appears to be the result of impaired penile vasodilatory capacity kapous treatment 500 mg divalproex otc. This is often reversible through local (intracavernosal or transurethral) administration of potent vasodilators (prostaglandins, papaverine, and phentolamine) or by oral administration of penile-specific phosphodiesterase inhibitors (sildenafil). With the availability of effective penile vasodilatory medications to ensure erectile capacity, complaints of diminished libido may be effectively treated with androgen supplementation. Adrenarche usually heralds subsequent activity in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. As puberty progresses, feedback sensitivity of the hypothalamus and pituitary to circulating steroids lessens and increasing concentrations of both gonadal steroids and gonadotropin hormones ensue. The phenotypic equivalents of the hormonal changes in puberty have been well documented. Pediatricians and endocrinologists routinely perform staging of the genital and pubic hair development (Table 247-1). As spermatogenesis advances the testes increase in size from 1 to 2 mL at the outset to 15 to 35 mL in adulthood. There is a progressive increase in facial, axillary, chest, abdominal, thigh, and pubic hair; frontal scalp hair regresses, and the voice deepens. Aberrations of Timing of Puberty Delayed puberty in boys is usually defined as a temporary (physiologic) form of hypothalamic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in which sexual development has not begun by age 13 Ѕ years. The range of ages in which each parameter begins and is completed is shown for each bar. The decision of how early to treat depends on the perceived degree of psychological stress associated with the maturational delay. The major concern about treatment is early fusion of the epiphyses, which compromises optimal height. With proper dosing and monitoring of bone age this is unusual, because bone age is usually retarded in delayed puberty. In adolescent boys with delayed puberty and low levels of gonadotropins, periodic withdrawal of treatment is used to determine if testosterone therapy should be begun if spontaneous puberty has occurred. Many adult men diagnosed and treated for hypogonadotropic hypogonadism at ages 15 to 19 have proved to have normal reproductive function when taken off testosterone therapy many years later. Precocious puberty in boys is defined as the onset of pubertal (genital and secondary sexual) development beginning before 9 (2. Sexual precocity can be subcategorized to true isosexual precocious puberty and incomplete isosexual precocity or pseudoprecocious puberty. Unlike in women, aging in men is not associated with an abrupt cessation of gonadal hormone secretion but rather a gradual decline, beginning as a young adult and progressing throughout life. Multiple cross-sectional and longitudinal studies have shown a progressive decrease in both total and free serum testosterone levels with aging. The effects of low testosterone levels in aging men are similar to those observed in younger hypogonadal men. These include decreases in muscle mass, muscle strength, bone mass, libido, and erectile function and impaired mood and sense of well-being. The effect of reduced androgen levels on cognitive and memory are unknown, but it is possible that androgens may have similar positive effects on brain functions as estrogen does in older women. In recent years, a number of short-term studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of testosterone replacement in elderly men with relatively low serum testosterone levels. Testosterone replacement therapy, in most studies, decreases fat mass, increases lean body mass, and improves strength. Because erectile dysfunction in the older man is multifactorial, with impaired vasodilatory function in the penis predominating in many cases (see section on sexual dysfunction), testosterone replacement therapy in older men may enhance libido but erectile dysfunction is often not improved. Improved sense of well-being and increased energy levels are also generally observed after treatment with testosterone. In older men, before androgen replacement therapy is considered, one must ascertain that the patient does not have an elevated hematocrit or a sleep-related breathing disorder.


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