
Daniel A. Barocas, MD, MPH, FACS

  • Associate Professor, Urologic Surgery
  • Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nashville, Tennessee

Although this camp had in view the primary object of putting to work the mass slave labor herbs used for protection generic himplasia 30 caps buy, another of its primary objects was the elimination of human lives by the methods employed in handling the prisoners herbs cooking himplasia 30 caps buy online. Hunger and starvation rations herbals and vitamins 30 caps himplasia, sadism herbs cooking cheap himplasia 30 caps with visa, inadequate clothing, medical neglect, disease, beatings, hangings, freezing, forced suicides, shooting, etc. Prisoners were murdered at random; spite killings against Jews were common, injections of poison and shooting in the neck were everyday occurrences; epidemics of typhus and spotted fever were permitted to run rampant as a means of eliminating prisoners; life in this camp meant nothing. Killing became a common thing, so common that a quick death was welcomed by th: unfortunate ones. Some of them were in fact used for the extermination of Jews as part of the "final solution" of the Jewish problem. Most of the non-Jewish inmates were used for labor, although the conditions under which they worked made labor and death almost synonymous terms. Those inmates who became ill and were unable to work were either destroyed in the gas chambers or sent to special infirmaries, where they were given entirely inadequate medical treatment, worse food if possible than the working inmates, and left to die. The murder and ill-treatment of civilian populations reached its height in the treatment of the citizens of the Soviet Union and Poland. The majority of those liquidated were Jews, but there were also among them some communist functionaries. Commanders must find the means of keeping order by applying suitable Draconian measures. A significant illustration of the measures actually applied occurs in the document which was sent in 1943 to the Defendant Rosenberg by the Reich Commissar for Eastern Territories, who wrote: "It should be possible to avoid atrocities and to bury those who have been liquidated. To lock men, women, and children into barns and set fire to them does not appear to be a suitable method of combating bands, even if it is desired to exterminate the population. He was the manager and engineer in charge of the branch of the Solingen firm of Josef Jung in Spolbunow, Ukraine, from September 1941 to January 1944. Then the electric floodlights which had been erected all around the ghetto were switched on. Tbe owners were driven on to the street just as they were, regardless of whether they were dressed or whether they had been in bed. Over it hung the screaming of women and children, the cracking of whips and rifle shots. The latter counted off about 20 persons, and instructed them to walk behind the earth mound. I walked around the mound and stood in front of a tremendous grave; closely pressed together, the people were lying on top of each other so that only their heads were visible. The excavation was already two-thirds full; I estimated that it contained about a thousand people. Now already the next group approached, descended into the excavation, lined themselves up against the previous victims and were shot. In Poland and the Soviet Union these crimes were part of a plan to get rid of whole native populations by expulsion and annihilation, in order that their territory could be used for colonization by ~ e r m a n s. Hitler had written in Mein Kampf on these lines, and the plan was clearly stated by Himmler in J d y 1942, when he wrote: "It is not our task to Germanize the East in the old sense, that is to teach the people there the German language and the German law, but to see to it that only people of purely Germanic blood live in the East. Whether nations live in prosperity or starve to death interests me only in so far as we need them as slaves for our Kultur, otherwise it is of no interest to me. A very extensive evacuation will be necessary, without any doubt, and it is sure that the future will hold very hard years in store for the Russians. A somewhat similar fate was planned for Czechoslovakia by the Defendant Von Neurath, in August 1940; the intelligentsia were to be "expelled", but the rest of the population was to be Germanized rather than expelled or exterminated, since there was a shortage of Germans to replace them. In the West the population of Alsace were the victims of a German "expulsion action. A captured German report dated 7 August 1942 with regard to Alsace states that: "The problem of raEe will be given first consideration, and this in such a manner that persons of racial value will be deported to Germany proper, and racially inferior persons to France. Article 52 of the Hague Convention provides that an occupying Power may make requisitions in kind only for the needs of the army of occupation, and that these requisifions shall be in proportion to the resources of the country. These artitles, together with Article 48, dealing with the expenditure of money collected in taxes, and Articles 53, 55, and 56, dealing with public property, make it clear that under the rules of war, the economy of an occupied country can only be required t 8 bear the expense of the occupation, and these should not be greater than the economy of the country can reasonably be expected to bear. Article 56 reads as follows: "The property of municipalities, of religious, charitable, edu- cational, artistic, and scientific institutions, although belong- ing lo the State, is to be accorded the same standing as pri- vate property. All pre-meditated seizure, destruction, or damage of such institutions, historical monuments, works of art and science, is prohibited and should be prosecuYed.

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Verbal fluency and verbal retrieval deficits are common manifestations of the interaction between memory and language wonder herbals cheap 30 caps himplasia otc. However yashwant herbals himplasia 30 caps discount, all aspects of memory encoding herbals man alive purchase himplasia 30 caps with amex, organization herbals supplements cheap himplasia 30 caps with visa, and retrieval may be affected. Emotional and behavioral disturbances, although prevalent among seizure sufferers in general, are most common with those who have complex partial seizures that involve the temporal lobe. As in many chronic diseases, patients are often the best experts on the symptoms of their conditions and the situations most likely to provoke a seizure. The various treatments available for epilepsy range from behavioral management, to nutritional therapy, to pharmacologic treatments, to neurosurgery; however, medication remains the most widely used form of treatment, and for most patients, seizures can be controlled with medication. As we have discussed, seizures may occur in isolation, but epilepsy denotes a pattern of seizure activity. If a neurologist can establish a diagnosis of epilepsy, then a physician often prescribes specific drugs according to seizure type. These drugs include phenytoin (Dilantin), carbamazepine (Tegretol), or sodium valproate (Depakote) barbiturates and benzodiazepines. Physicians may treat partial seizures with the preceding drugs or, for seizures involving motor disturbances, often use clonazepam (Klonopin) or acetazolamide (Diamox). In instances when drugs have not effectively controlled seizures, surgery as a treatment method has also been used. This is where the neuropsychological evaluation, and specifically the Wada test, can be particularly useful in advising the surgeon as to areas of function, such as speech and memory, that might be affected by the procedure. In recent years, a dietary treatment called the "ketogenic diet" has been gaining popularity. It was first developed in the 1920s based on anecdotal reports about the effectiveness of strict dietary regimens that date back even to Biblical times. It was not until the early 1990s when interest in this diet was renewed after a 2-year-old boy with intractable seizures was treated successfully at the John Hopkins Hospital. This diet mimics the effects of biochemical changes that occur during fasting (acidosis, dehydration, and ketosis). It is mainly a very "low-carb" diet, based on an intake of proteins, fat, and little carbohydrates. Its mechanism of action is not fully understood yet, but scientists consider that calorie restriction, acidosis, ketosis, or dehydration may be possible mediators of its effect on seizure control. A recent study has shown that 37% of patients have a 90% reduction in seizures and an additional 30% experience a 50% to 90% reduction (Thiele, 2003). It has also been suggested that even though this treatment works for adults, it appears to be more effective in children (Vining, 1999). Some people with seizures have also learned to control their attacks by noticing their auras and arresting the seizure before the ictal episode fully materializes. One pioneer in seizure research, Wilder Penfield, made the following observation: "When an attack is just beginning, strong stimulation of the part threatened may avert the further development of a seizure" (Penfield, 1975, p. Sensory auras including smell, touch, and taste appear particularly amenable to natural arrest. For example, if the aura involves the sensation of a putrid smell, countering this with a pleasant smell may interrupt the progression of a seizure. The jasmine served as a natural counteractant to the hallucinated bad smell and apparently stopped the seizure. Through behavioral conditioning, Efron also taught the patient to arrest her seizures by imagining the odor of jasmine. In a similar vein, some patients find that they can halt gustatory auras such as metallic tastes by eating something pleasant tasting. It is reasonable to assume that because the type of aura experienced by any one person is highly individual, patients would need to experiment to find what works for them. In another interesting example (Pritchard, Holmstrom, & Giacinto, 1985), a patient with complex partial seizures developed his own technique of blinking or shutting his eyes and visualized himself fishing. In addition to these self-control methods, other behavioral techniques have been explored to control seizures.

The effects of bilateral anterior cingulate damage dramatically illustrate the role of the anterior cingulate in behavioral initiation himalaya herbals wiki cheap himplasia 30 caps. With bilateral anterior lesions vaadi herbals pvt ltd 30 caps himplasia order overnight delivery, the patient may experience "akinetic mutism" or "abulia herbs mac and cheese buy 30 caps himplasia otc. Abulia refers to a similar herbs you can smoke order 30 caps himplasia with amex, although less severe syndrome of apathy, indifference, and minimally spontaneous verbal and motor activity (Lichter & Cummings, 2001). Damage to the orbital frontal cortex has also been associated with akinetic mutism; however, research (Bechara, Tranel, & Damasio, 2002) suggests that the damage has to extend into regions of the anterior cingulate and/or basal forebrain for the syndrome to be evident. Duffy and Campbell (2001) describe the following case of akinetic mutism: One patient, after a gunshot wound to both frontal lobes, was essentially inert when left alone. He denied boredom and described it as a "loss of motivation" in that he entertained numerous ideas for activities but felt no impetus to act on them. His facial expression was one of casual indifference, and he would often respond with simple gestures instead of speaking. Relation of Memory, Attention, and Executive Function Memory, attention, and executive function represent relatively distinct processes, although in some cases, there is disagreement whether a particular attentional or memory process is better classified as an executive function (for example, working memory). Clearly, these processes are inter-related, but specifying the exact nature of this inter-relation is hindered by our limited understanding of these domains, divergent definitions and conceptualizations, and varied theoretical perspectives. When experts from the fields of memory, attention, and executive function were asked to specify the behaviors denoted by the term executive function, no less than 33 different terms were generated with only 40% agreement for 6 of the terms (self-regulation, sequencing of behavior, flexibility, response inhibition, planning and organization; Eslinger, 1996). Nonetheless, there is some agreement that executive functions represent overarching controlling, organizing, integrating, and supervising computations. From a neuroanatomic perspective, memory, attention, and executive functions are served by relatively distinct, yet interconnected and overlapping, neural systems. Neuroimaging investigations demonstrate that different neural systems support executive, attention, and memory functions; yet, these neural systems coactivate in the performance of many executive, attentional, and memory tasks, indicating shared or distributed processing. Furthermore, the inter-relation of these functions is evident when one realizes that executive functions would be of little value if memory systems did not operate to register, store, and enable the retrieval of life experiences and knowledge, and if attentional systems did not support the processing of relevant or critical environmental and body events. Jointly, attention, memory and executive functions play a central role in thinking, reasoning, problem solving, language, and emotional and social behavior. Finally, human experience involves the capacity to represent and relate past, present, and future events. As you reviewed the effects of damage to the attentional, memory, and executive systems, you likely realized that there is typically either a direct or indirect disruption of emotional functioning. It is emotion that gives direction, drive, and value to our personal and social behavior. Emotions intimately affect that which we attend to , remember, and strive to achieve (goals). Neuropsychology of Emotional Processing Brain processing of emotion is an area that neuropsychology has largely ignored until recently. This neglect is partly a holdover from philosophical traditions of rational empiricism and from conceptualizations of the body and brain as being machine-like. People saw emotions as peripheral to understanding cognition, as being of a lower order of evolutionary development, perhaps even vestigial. In other words, humans had evolved to become rational, logical beings somehow above emotion. Such research is not straightforward, as is presenting a visual or auditory stimulus and recording activation of corresponding brain regions. Also, animal models can provide only limited information, because they cannot verbalize their feelings, and researchers must rely on motor behaviors to infer the expression of emotions as rage and fear. The emotional repertoire of humans is enormous, subtle, and much more complicated than a response to external threats to physical safety, such as embodied in the fight-or-flight response. In the television show Star Trek (and its spinoffs), the ultralogical characters Mr. Spock, Data, and Seven of Nine show that being human entails having "emotional equipment.

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Without propaganda herbals teas safe during pregnancy himplasia 30 caps buy online, founded on the total eclipse of the freedom of press and of speech herbals remedies generic himplasia 30 caps buy, i t would not have been possible for German fascism to realize its aggressive intentions herbals books purchase himplasia 30 caps without a prescription, to lay the groundwork and then to put to practice the War Crimes and the Crimes against Humanity herbs for anxiety himplasia 30 caps buy with mastercard. In the propaganda system of the ~ i t l e r State i t was the daily press and the radio that were the most important weapons. I n his court testimony, Defendant Goring named three factors as essential in the successful conduct of modern war according to the Nazi concept, namely, (1) the military operations of the armed forces, (2) economic warfare, (3j propaganda. With reference to the latter he said: "For what great importance the war of propaganda had, enemy propaganda which extended by way of radio f a r into the hinterland, no one has experienced more strongly than Germany" (Transcript, Afternoon Session, 15 March 1946). With such concepts in ascendance i t is impossible to suppose that the supreme rulers of the Reich would appoint to the post of the Director of Radio Propaganda who supervised radio activity of all the broadcasting companies and directed their propagandistic content-a man they considered a secondary figure. The point of view of the verdict contradicts both the evidence submitted and the actual state of affairs. Beginning with 1942 and into 1945 Fritzsche was not only Chief of the Radio Department of the Reich Ministry of Propaganda but also "Plenipotentiary for the Political Organization of Radio in Greater Germany". It thus follows that not a t all was Fritzsche merely "one of the 12 departmental chiefs in the Ministry of Propaganda" who acquired responsibility for all radio propaganda only toward the end of the war, as the verdict asserts. For this reason it is Fritzsche who bears responsibility for the false and provocative broadcasts of the German radio during the years of the war. As Chief of the Press Section inside Germany it was also Fritzsche who was responsible for the activity of the German daily press consisting of 2,300 newspapers. It was Fritzsche who created and perfected the Information Section winning from the Reich Government for the purpose a n increase in the subsidy granted the newspapers from 400,000 to 4,000,000 marks. Subsequently Fritzsche participated energetically in the development of the propaganda campaigns preparatory to the acts of aggression against Czechoslovakia and Poland. A similar active propaganda campaign was conducted by the defendant prior to the attack on Yugoslavia as he himself admitted on oat@ in Court (Transcript, Morning Session, 23 January 1946). The assertion that Fritzsche was not informed of the War Crimes and the Crimes against Humanity then being perpetrated by the Hitlerites in the occupied regions does not agree with the facts. For instance, when commenting on Hitler s statement that "among results of the war there will be the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe" (Transcript, Afternoon Session, 22 November 1945), Fritzsche stated that: "As the Fiihrer predicted it would &cur in. It is further established that the defendant systematically preached the anti-social theory of race hatred and characterized peoples inhabiting countries victimized by aggression as "sub-humans" (Transcript, Afternoon Session, 27 June 1946; Transcript, Morning Session, 28 June 1946). When the fate of Nazi Germany became clear, Fritzsche came out with energetic support of the Defendant Martin Bormann and of other fanatical Hitler adherents who organized the undercover fascist association, the so-called "Werewolf". On 7 April 1945, for example, in his last radio address, Fritzsche agitated for all the civilian population of Germany to take active part in the activities of this terroristic Nazi underground organization. He said: "Let no one be surprised to find the civilian population, wearing civilian clothes, still continuing the fight in the regions already occupied and even after occupation has taken place. We shall call this phenomenon "Werewolf" since it will have arisen without any preliminary planning and without a definite organization, out of the very instinct of life. His activity had a most basic relation to the preparation and the conduct of aggressive warfare as well as to the other crimes of the Hitler regime. Concerning the Sentence of the ~ e j e n d a n Rudolf Hess t the Judgment of the Tribunal correctly and adequately portrays the outstanding position which Rudolf Hess occupied in the leadership of the Nazi Party and State. Second-approval of the deputy of the Fuhrer of proposed appointments for official and labor service leaders. Third-securing the influence of the Party over the selfgovernment of the municipal units. The Crimes against Peace committed by him are dealt with in sufficient detail in the Judgment. The mission undertaken by Hess in flying to England should be considered a s the last of these crimes, as it was undertaken in the hope of facilitating the realizatiop of aggression against the Soviet Union by temporarily restraining England from fighting. There can be no doubt, however, that Hess did everything possible for the preparation of these crimes. When the Waffen S S was being formed Hess issued a special order through the Party Chancellery which made aiding the conscription of Party members into these organizations by all means compulsory for Party organs. Thus the defendant played a direct part in the creation and consolidation of the system of special police organs which were bei~lg prepared for the commission of crimes in occupied,territories. We find Hess to have always been a n advocate of the man-hating "master race" theory. On 12 O ~ t o b e r1939 Hess signed a decree creating the administration of Polish occupied territories (Reichsgesetzblatt, No. There is sufficiently convincing evidence showing that this defendant did not limit himself to this general directive which introduced into the occupied Polish territories a regime of unbridled terror.

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Making these judgments quickly and accurately helps us guide our behavior to interact appropriately with the people we know ganapathy herbals cheap 30 caps himplasia with amex. If we can figure out why our roommate is angry at us rumi herbals chennai discount himplasia 30 caps fast delivery, we can react to resolve the problem; if we can determine how to motivate the people in our group to work harder on a project himalaya herbals discount 30 caps himplasia free shipping, then the project might be better herbs to lower blood pressure himplasia 30 caps purchase with amex. Perceiving Others Our initial judgments of others are based in large part on what we see. The physical features of other people, particularly their sex, race, age, and physical attractiveness, are very salient, and we often focus our attention on these dimensions (Schneider, 2003; Zebrowitz & Montepare, 2006). Leslie Zebrowitz and her colleagues (Zebrowitz, 1996; Zebrowitz, Luevano, Bronstad, & Aharon, 2009) [5] have extensively studied the tendency for both men and women to prefer people whose faces have characteristics similar to those of babies. These features include large, round, and widely spaced eyes, a small nose and chin, prominent cheekbones, and a large forehead. People who have baby faces (both men and women) are seen as more attractive than people who are not baby-faced. People are more attracted to faces that are more symmetrical than they are to those that are less symmetrical, and this may be due in part to the perception that symmetrical faces are perceived as healthier (Rhodes et al. Langlois and Roggman (1990) [7] showed college students the faces of men and women. The researchers found that the more faces that were averaged into the stimulus, the more attractive it was judged. Although preferences for youthful, symmetrical, and average faces have been observed crossculturally, and thus appear to be common human preferences, different cultures may also have unique beliefs about what is attractive. In modern Western cultures, "thin is in," and people prefer those who have little excess fat (Crandall, Merman, & Hebl, 2009). However, the norm of thinness has not always been in place; the preference for women with slender, masculine, and athletic looks has become stronger over the past 50 years. In contrast to the relatively universal preferences for youth, symmetry, and averageness, other cultures do not show such a strong propensity for thinness (Sugiyama, 2005). The tendency to attribute personality characteristics to people on the basis of their external appearance or their social group memberships is known as stereotyping. Our stereotypes about physically attractive people lead us to see them as more dominant, sexually warm, mentally healthy, intelligent, and socially skilled than we perceive physically unattractive people (Langlois et al. Stereotyping is closely related to prejudice, the tendency to dislike people because of their appearance or group memberships, and discrimination, negative behaviors toward others based on prejudice. We may not vote for a gay person for public office because of our negative stereotypes about gays, and we may avoid people from other religions or those with mental illness because of our prejudices. Research has found, for instance, that attractive people are actually more sociable, more popular, and less lonely than less attractive individuals (Langlois et al. A self-fulfilling prophecyoccurs when our expectations about the personality characteristics of others lead us to behave toward those others in ways that make those beliefs come true. This friendly behavior may be reciprocated by the attractive person, and if many other people also engage in the same positive behaviors with the person, in the long run he or she may actually become friendlier. But even if attractive people are on average friendlier than unattractive people, not all attractive people are friendlier than all unattractive people. And even if women are, on average, more emotional than men, not all men are less emotional than all women. Social psychologists believe that it is better to treat people as individuals rather than rely on our stereotypes and prejudices, because stereotyping and prejudice are always unfair and often inaccurate (Fiske, 1989; Stangor, 1995). Implicit Association Test You might want to test your own stereotypes and prejudices by completing the Implicit Association Test, a measure of unconscious stereotyping. Because our primitive ancestors needed to accurately separate members of their own kin group from those of others, categorizing people into "us" (the ingroup) and "them" (the outgroup) was useful and even necessary (Neuberg, Kenrick, & Schaller, 2010). But the fact that we may use our stereotypes does not mean that we should use them. Stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination, whether they are consciously or unconsciously applied, make it difficult for some people to effectively contribute to society and may create both mental and physical health problems for them (Swim & Stangor, 1998). Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Opportunity Employment Act of 1972, and the Fair Housing Act of 1978.

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