
Jennifer Freedman, PhD

  • Assistant Professor in Medicine
  • Member of the Duke Cancer Institute

Concentrated ammonium hydroxide did not cause any significant change after six hours managing arthritis in neck discount 50 mg indocin with visa. Fat solvents: the pigment was not changed by exposure for 1 6 hours at room temperature or at 37°C arthritis pain causes indocin 75 mg purchase with visa. Dopa reaction: the dopa reaction (Bloch arthritis in the knee at 40 buy indocin 50 mg fast delivery, 1 9 1 7 rheumatoid arthritis ulnar styloid buy discount indocin 75 mg line, 1 91 8; Bloch and Schaff, 1 925) demonstrates an intracellular enzyme, the dopa ferment or dopa melanase, which is found in melanoblasts. The enzyme oxidises 3, 4 dihydroxyphenylalanin, the dopa reagent, to a blackish pigment, the dopa melanin. In tissue sections the reaction causes a grey to black discolouration of the melanoblasts. Other workers doubt the specificity of the reaction (Lison, 1 936) and think that, if it is an enzyme reaction at all, it demonstrates intraceullu1ar tyrosinase. The significance of this reaction in con nection with the liver pigment will be discussed later. Dopa reactions were performed on two pigmented livers and one unpigmented liver of sheep obtained from the abattoir. The leucocytes were distinctly stained after one hour, more after two, and outstandingly after three hours and fifteen minutes. There were no other structures in the tissues which showed a positive dopa reaction. S chultz reaction: the Schultz reaction for demonstration of chlolesterol was performed with negative results on a number of livers with varying degrees of pigmentation. Anhaemoglobinogenous are melanins, and lipofuscins, haemoglobinogenous are haemosiderins, haematoidin (bilirubin) haematin (malaria and formalin pigment) porphyrins, and pseudomelanin. Melanins occur in the form of intracellular granules which, in spite of their name, are never black but yellow to dark brown. They are normally found in many tissues of ectodermal origin, such as epidermis, including hair, mucosa of mouth and pharynx, sensory organs, brain, medulla of adrenals; and in tissues of which the ectodermal origin is probable, but debated, such as iris, choroid of the eye, and leptomeninges. They may also be found in mesenchymal tissue, such as ·dermis and in regional lymph nodes of pigmented areas, particularly when these are inflamed (Becker, 1 948). Furthermore, they are seen in certain tumours, where they may be set free in the blood plasma and excreted in the urine, when produced in excessive quantities. The older ones assume that in the skin, melanin is formed in the palisade basal cells of the epidermis (Bloch, 1927, Peck, 1930); while the more modern theory (Masson, 1926), accepted by most workers in this field, recognizes two types of melanin containing cells, namely melanoblasts and melano phores, and assumes that melanin is formed by the melanoblasts. In the skin, they are situated in the area of the palisade basal cells of the epidermis. During embryonic life they migrate to the epidermis, perhaps with the sheaths of Schwann. Although the ectodermal origin of the melanoblasts is now generally accepted, Goldberg,(1 948) stated that in some instances these cells may present mesodermal features. Aschoff (1 921) thought that epithelial and endothelial as well as con nective tissue cells are capable of secreting melanin. It should be stressed at this point, and will be important in the later discussion, that there has never been any serious suggestion of melanin being produced by endodermal tissue. Only the retinal melanoblasts form a continuous lining, namely the pigment epithelium, made of prismatic cells j ust outside the inner layer of the retina (Masson, 1948). By means of their branch-like extensions, they come into intimate contact with surrounding cells, to which they transmit the granules by an inoculation-like process, which was first observed by Ehrmann in 1 885. Their secretory product is a solid granule which is neither excreted externally as in exocrine glands, nor internally as in endocrine glends, but into other cells. The receiving cells, which themselves are unable to produce melanin, are termed melanophores and are always dopa negative. While the pigment granules in melanoblasts are generally fine and uniform, in melanophores they usually clump together and become coarse and irregular in size. The difference between melanoblasts and melanophores can easily be demon strated in the skin, where the prismatic epithelial cells in the stratum germinativum or malpighian cells, receive the pigment from the dendritic melanoblasts scattered in the basal layer (Kolliker, 1 887; Ehrmann, 1 885, 1 892). Such a process has so far not been demonstrated in iris, choroid, meninges, olfactory or auditory epithelium. In the corium, melanin is found mainly in superficial areas, namely, in mesenchymal cells which become spherical when they contain a sufficiently large number of granules. They are dopa negative, coarsely granulated and the pigment is supplied by the overlaying epidermis, although its mode of migration across the epidermal borders is as yet unknown.

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The deoxycytidine analogue gemcitabine, given as a single agent (gemcitabine, 1000 mg/m2, weekly for 7 weeks followed by 1 week rest, then weekly for 3 weeks every 4 weeks thereafter), has been the preferred treatment for these patients because it was shown to yield clinical benefit (a composite parameter for evaluating symptomatic benefit of treatment used in some trials of this disease) and improved survival compared to 5-fluorouracil. The median survival observed with singleagent gemcitabine in randomized trials is ~6 months, with a 12-month survival of ~18%. The survival improvement observed with both of these combinations appears similar, and the addition of capecitabine to gemcitabine in this regimen does not appear to increase the toxicity above single-agent gemcitabine. Either combination should, therefore, be considered as options for treating these patients. Second-line treatment options in pancreatic cancer are limited, although there may be an emerging role for oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy; fit patients who have failed first-line treatment should be offered entry into clinical trials. Ongoing clinical trials are evaluating the potential benefits of incorporating other novel targeted agents into the treatment of pancreatic cancer, usually together with gemcitabine. In patients with locally advanced unresectable disease, external beam chemoradiotherapy may be useful, either as initial treatment or as consolidation after induction chemotherapy. Note: T1, tumor limited to pancreas, 2 cm; T2, tumor limited to pancreas, >2 cm; T3, tumor extends beyond the pancreas but without involvement of celiac axis or superior mesenteric artery; T4, tumor involves celiac axis or the superior mesenteric artery (unresectable primary tumor); N0, no regional lymph node metastasis (regional lymph nodes are the peripancreatic lymph nodes, including the lymph nodes along the hepatic artery, celiac axis and pyloric/ splenic regions); N1, regional lymph node metastasis; M0, no distal metastasis; M1, distal metastasis. Staging In pancreatic cancer, which has a poor prognosis, the value of detailed clinical staging is limited. The most clinically relevant distinction to make is between patients with disease that may be resected with curative intent, and those with advanced disease in whom treatment is palliative (Table 37-1). Surveillance in High-Risk Individuals Routine screening for pancreatic cancer is not recommended due to a high false-positive rate of the available tests. However, screening may be reasonable in certain high-risk individuals, such as those with strong family histories, although the optimal timing, frequency, and method of screening is unknown. However, such surgery is only possible in 10­15% of patients, many of whom will suffer from recurrences of their disease. Indeed, the 5-year survival reported in randomized trials with surgery alone is ~10%, although modern series have improved on these results. Outcomes tend to be more favorable in patients with lymph node­negative disease, smaller tumors (<3 cm), negative resection margins, and welldifferentiated tumors. Despite a dismal long-term outcome, these patients still have a better survival with surgery than with other palliative measures. Surgery is usually preceded by laparoscopy in order to exclude peritoneal metastases not seen on other staging investigations. Pancreaticoduodenectomy, also known as the Whipple procedure, is the standard operation for cancers of the head or uncinate process of the pancreas. The procedure involves resection of the pancreatic head, duodenum, first 15 cm of the jejunum, common bile duct, and gallbladder, and a partial gastrectomy, with the pancreatic and biliary anastomosis placed 45­60 cm proximal to the gastrojejunostomy. Perioperative mortality rates have fallen to <5%, reflecting greater experience with the surgery and perioperative management of these patients. However, this type of surgery is highly specialized and should ideally only occur in dedicated centers with a high volume of these cases and specialized surgeons. Adjuvant treatment for patients with curatively resected pancreatic cancer is controversial, with divergent treatment approaches preferred in the United States and in Europe, based on the results of different randomized trials conducted on both sides of the Atlantic. In the United States, fluoropyrimidine-based postoperative chemoradiotherapy followed by adjuvant chemotherapy is preferred. Cancers can occur at any point: 90% of malignancies develop in the bladder, 8% in the renal pelvis, and the remaining 2% in the ureter or urethra. Bladder cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men and the thirteenth in women, with an estimated 67,160 new cases and 13,750 deaths in the United States predicted for the year 2007. The almost 5:1 ratio of incidence to mortality reflects the higher frequency of the less lethal superficial variants compared to the more lethal invasive and metastatic variants. The incidence is three times higher in men than in women, and twofold higher in whites than blacks, with a median age at diagnosis of 65 years.

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Tissue Diagnosis and Cytology Patients with disease that is potentially curable by surgery arthritis unloader braces for hip sleeves cheap 25 mg indocin visa, and in whom a highly suspicious lesion is seen on imaging arthritis pain comes in waves generic indocin 75 mg overnight delivery, are often taken directly to surgery without prior tissue confirmation of cancer rheumatoid arthritis scholarship buy 75 mg indocin with amex. This is because of theoretical concerns that a percutaneous fine-needle aspiration may result in dissemination of cancer intraperitoneally or along the track of the biopsy needle rheumatoid arthritis diet recommendations discount indocin 50 mg buy online. In addition, negative cytology may not be sufficient evidence to avoid surgery, particularly with small lesions. It has a reported sensitivity and specificity of ~80­90% and is suggestive, rather than confirmatory, of the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. For example, patients with malabsorption secondary to pancreatic insufficiency may be treated with pancreatic enzyme supplementation. Once diagnosed, urothelial tumors exhibit polychronotropism-the tendency to recur over time and in new locations in the urothelial tract. Other implicated agents include the aniline dyes, the drugs phenacetin and chlornaphazine, and external beam radiation. Chronic cyclophosphamide exposure may also increase risk, whereas vitamin A supplements appear to be protective. Exposure to Schistosoma haematobium, a parasite found in many developing countries, is associated with an increase in both squamous and transitional cell carcinomas of the bladder. About half of invasive tumors presented originally as superficial lesions that later progressed. More than 95% of urothelial tumors in the United States are transitional cell in origin. Pure squamous cancers with keratinization constitute 3%, adenocarcinomas 2%, and small cell tumors (with paraneoplastic syndromes) <1%. Of the transitional cell tumors, low-grade papillary lesions that grow on a central stalk are most common. These tumors are very friable, have a tendency to bleed, are at high risk for recurrence, and yet rarely progress to the more lethal invasive variety. The bladder is the most common source of gross hematuria (40%), but benign cystitis (22%) is a more common cause than bladder cancer (15%). Microscopic hematuria is more commonly of prostate origin (25%); only 2% of bladder cancers produce microscopic hematuria. Molecular genetic analyses suggest that the superficial and invasive lesions develop along distinct molecular pathways in which primary tumorigenic aberrations precede secondary changes associated with progression to a more advanced stage. Low-grade papillary tumors that do not tend to invade or metastasize harbor constitutive activation of the receptor-tyrosine kinase-Ras signal transduction pathway and a high frequency of 506 shown to prolong life. After hematuria, irritative symptoms are the next most common presentation, which may reflect in situ disease. The endoscopic evaluation includes an examination under anesthesia to determine whether a palpable mass is present. A flexible endoscope is inserted into the bladder, and bladder barbotage is performed. The visual inspection includes mapping the location, size, and number of lesions, as well as a description of the growth pattern (solid vs papillary). All visible tumors should be resected, and a sample of the muscle underlying the tumor should be obtained to assess the depth of invasion. Selective catheterization and visualization of the upper tracts should be performed if the cytology is positive and no disease is visible in the bladder. The side effects of intravesical therapies include dysuria, urinary frequency, and, depending on the drug, myelosuppression or contact dermatitis. Following the endoscopic resection, patients are monitored for recurrence at 3-month intervals during the first year. Recurrence may develop anywhere along the urothelial tract, including the renal pelvis, ureter, or urethra. A consequence of the "successful" treatment of tumors in the bladder is an increase in the frequency of extravesical recurrences (e. Tumors in the ureter or renal pelvis are typically managed by resection during retrograde examination or, in some cases, by instillation through the renal pelvis. Tumors of the prostatic urethra may require cystectomy if the tumor cannot be resected completely. Radical cystectomy is the standard, although in selected cases a bladder-sparing approach is used; this approach includes complete endoscopic resection; partial cystectomy; or a combination of resection, systemic chemotherapy, and external beam radiation therapy. In the United States, its role is limited to those patients deemed unfit for cystectomy, those with unresectable local disease, or as part of an experimental bladder-sparing approach.

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