
David DeNofrio, M.D.

  • Associate Professor of Medicine
  • Cardiology/Medicine
  • Tufts University School of Medicine
  • Medical Director
  • Cardiac Transplant Program
  • Cardiology/Medicine
  • Tufts Medical Center
  • Boston, Massachusetts

Social innovation can be considered quite different from another innovations that comes from market competition and which purpose is the seek for profit insomnia 20 avicii remix purchase modafinil 100 mg on line. At the origin of these innovation processes are social pressures exerted by the existence of unmet needs (eg insomnia baby generic 100 mg modafinil with amex. This political vacuum and market failure open the field to the resources and strengths of the private social entrepreneurship from below sleep aid zzzquil reviews trusted 200 mg modafinil, to the community of citizens who organize to meet old and new needs insomnia novel 200 mg modafinil buy, to optimize the use of resources (human and natural) and to ensure social improvement. The practices of social innovation tend to be located on the border between non-profit, public and private entity, civil society (voluntary movements, collective action, etc. In fact, it comes from new forms of collaboration and cooperation between individuals of different nature that find an alignment of interests to achieve a common goal, thus, social innovation has a strong collective dimension, not only belongs to the imagination and creativity of a single actor. From this point of view, however, the development of alliances, extended partnership and cooperation to achieve social purpose, which presents specific characteristics, implicates issues that require additional efforts of the involved actors to achieve the final goal. To reach this goal will be analyzed the project GoogleGlass4Lis, in which public and private entities are involved. The main goal of the project is to provide a technology solution in a cultural environment, which will allow deaf people to a complete museum experience. In fact, we consider a single-project level as unit of analysis and not the individual firm. This allows us to build, through a series of managerial implications, a development model of social innovation projects fostered by a publicprivate partnership. Next section discusses the theoretical framework on social innovation and open innovation, highlighting how connections between the two fields contributed to the rise of the new phenomenon of open social innovation. Afterwards, the single case and results of the analysis is presented, describing the actors involved in the project, the roles, their final purposes and the key features of the project. The Final section discusses data providing managerial implications and interesting cues for future line of research. Moreover, the World Economic Forum defines Social Innovation as the "application of innovative, practical, sustainable, market-based approach that achieve transformative social and/or environmental change, with an emphasis on under-served populations" (World Economic Forum, 2014). This means making available new solutions to social issues, including health and employment policies, but also at education, training and skills development, business support, industrial policy, urban development, etc. Social innovation policies can be pursued by individuals, firms and public organizations, each of which possess their own goals, often of a different nature (Pestoff, 2014; Defourny et al. Therefore, they represent a relevant opportunity for both the public sector and private firms to satisfy individuals and collective needs (Murray et al. The social innovation approaches have different features: Open rather than close when it comes to knowledge-sharing and the ownership of knowledge; Multi-disciplinary and more integrated to problem solving than the single department or single profession solutions of the past; Participative and empowering of citizens and users rather than "top down" and expert-led; Demand-led rather than supply-driven; Tailored rather than mass-produced, as most solutions have to be adapted to local circumstances and personalized to individuals. Unlike business innovation, which is often motivated by profit maximization, Social innovations has different objectives and often of non-monetary nature (Mulgan, 2006; Pol and Ville, 2009). In fact, a social innovation could involve commercial interests (Westley and Antadze, 2010). The process of innovation creation is often long and complex; in fact, it goes through some stages from idea generation result of the creativity of the individual or research groups, to implementation and usability of innovation itself, both for business innovation and social innovation. This six-step model was developed mainly with reference to public sector and non-profit organizations, both those actors usually have lack of skills and competencies, especially technological. For these reasons, our work aims to investigate the feasibility and sustainability of such model in hybrid projects (public-private) where several actors collaborate with different purposes in a particular framework as the social one. Open Social Innovation Open innovation has established as one of the most popular and discussed topic in the innovation management literature in recent years. The Open Innovation paradigm (Chesbrough, 2003), according to which the processes of innovation are no longer closed within company boundaries and focused exclusively on internal R&D, but rather open to collaboration with external parties, has embraced different disciplines and new areas over the years. In this sense, and in line with this paper, some studies have recently analyzed the relation between open innovation and social innovation by creating different analysis framework useful for understanding a topic in development (Chalmers, 2013; Martins and de Souza Bermejo, 2015). Moreover, Chesbrough and Di Minin (2014) define open social innovation "the application of either inbound or outbound open innovation strategies, along with innovations in the associated business model of the organization, to social challenges"; this presupposes the presence of exploration and exploitation activities to pursue social challenge. For the authors, open social innovation is the perfect way to exploit current business models or to create new ones to meet the needs of under-served target populations that traditional-market mechanisms cannot reach. In particular, the inbound activities (Outside-In) identify the search for innovative solutions and new sources of knowledge from external partners to incorporate those developed internally (Chesbrough and Crowther, 2006; Chiaroni et al. In fact, the coupled process involves utilization of both inbound and outbound activities through a cooperation process and networks with other firms (Dahlander and Gann, 2010).

The Ethics Challenge in Public Service: A Problem solving Guide insomnia zinc deficiency modafinil 200 mg on line, Jossey-Bass sleep aid nyquil modafinil 100 mg purchase amex, San Francisco insomnia nightclub purchase modafinil 100 mg amex. The love of money insomnia new haven generic modafinil 200 mg on-line, satisfaction, and the protestant work ethic: Money profiles among university professors in the U. Students urge graduate business schools to emphasize ethical behavior and require courses in standards, Chronicle of Higher Education,31. Stakeholder orientation: Development and testing of a framework for socially responsible marketing. Exploring the influence of organizational ethical climate on knowledge management. The course has enhanced my awareness of considering stakeholders as critical entities to business sustainability. The course made me more aware of Corporate Citizenship as an essential requirement for business success. Corporate governance is an important tool in the drive to promote good ethics in business. In particular this research concentrates on the industrial and technological sectors, which have deep differences in terms of internal structure and business strategy. In fact industrial companies are likely to have a rigid structure, while the technological ones are more elastic and dynamic. This element directly influences the overall strategic focus, because technology requires firms to adapt more easily and quickly to the needs of consumers and to the aggressive policy of competitors. In fact this research starts with the hypothesis that in the industrial sector tangible elements are much more relevant, while in the technological system intangibles are prevalent. The choice of the business in which a company operates is the key that determines its organization and capital structure (Pisoni, Brusa et. This is the reason why we have decided to focus on Italian listed companies belonging to the industrial and technological sectors, in fact we want to compare and contrast two different situations and understand their investment policy and the related impact on the economic performance. By starting with the main hypothesis that industrial companies invest more in tangible assets and technological ones in intangibles, our first aim is to study the trend of the two types of investments in the period between 2007 and 2013 in order to monitor if the economic crisis affected these two sectors. In addition, our research concentrates on the economic margin, related to the core activities of the companies considered. As a consequence the final part of this empirical research is based on the study of the impact of the specific investment policy on the operating income. The methodology and the definition of the sample of companies is described in Paragraph 2. In this section, we also include the presentation of the research questions and of the phases of analysis. Our results are presented in Paragraph 3 and conclusions in the last part of the research. It is a unique system because every single company is an independent entity, with its own internal structure (Amit and Schoemaker, 1993). As we mentioned in the foreword, defining the specific business in which every firm operates means developing distinctive competences and creating a strategy that allows the company to be competitive on the market (Myers, 2013; Franco and Bourne, 2004). Several authors based their research on studying the capital structure of companies in order to monitor their impact in terms of competitiveness, value and performance (Lombardi, Manfredi et. Some researchers decided to analyze the different role of tangible and intangible assets as resources (Galbreath, 2005) and some others concentrated on one sector in particular and to monitor the impact of a specific investment policy (Makris, 2008). In fact it is aimed at comparing and contrasting two different situations: the first one represented by technological companies, oriented to an intangible investment policy, and the second one represented by industrial firms, which mostly own tangible assets. After this first phase, our study goes deeply into the evaluation of the impact of these investments on the economic performance. As a consequence our research represents a sort of extension of previous studies above-mentioned because firstly we concentrate on two important sectors in Italy and secondly this study covers a very long period, from 2007 to 2013. Moreover we also concentrate on tangibles and by making this comparison between the two sectors and consequently between two different kinds of investment policies, we want to monitor the economic results of companies pursuing one policy or another.

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Taking the three categories together by summing them up insomnia nolan modafinil 200 mg purchase amex, trilingualism is preferred by a total of 65% of all the respondents of this research insomnia 3dpo order modafinil 200 mg mastercard, with 84% by Lux insomnia 1st trimester order 100 mg modafinil mastercard. Besides the above mentioned categories of advantages/opportunities and disadvantages/fears sleep aid unisom order 100 mg modafinil amex, here is what some of the respondents said: Respondent from the category Lux. I felt alone as nobody (my parents) could support me on a day to day basis with my homework. They only learn these matters by heart without any generation of own ideas or any creativity. School teachers lack knowledge themselves and teach frontally without any inspiration. It is an enormous chance for our children to be given the possibility of learning three languages. Knowing to speak three languages opens up their mind for other languages, cultures and knowledge. Today my son speaks five languages, despite the initial problems with German, he had needed extra tutorial lessons. French and German should be taught together from primary school on, and additionally offer extra tuition classes for weaker pupils. The current system with the Luxembourgish language as the basis is not adapted to the open European world. However, as a teacher, I would certainly think there would be issues switching from one language in primary to a second language in secondary. My husband and I are both bilingual English and Spanish, however, we tend to speak mostly in English out of habit. There could be an optional choice for a foreign language such as English or Spanish or more options even. Dividing students by language may split the country such as what is happening in Belgium. Taking India as another model, schools teach English and 2 or 3 other local languages at school. Hope someday I will have the opportunity to visit Luxembourg with my child to experience the education system of your country. Language is a significant element of the cultural and national identity of a nation; it is actually a mirror of the culture. Trilingualism is part of the Luxembourgish constitution, namely Luxembourgish, French and German are the three official languages of the country. It is the characteristics of the country, it is its culture, its collective programming of their mind (Hofstede et al. From the questionnaires, the written open questions and the interviews no significant differences in the results emerge. Only one question regarding preference of the system showed significant differences between Lux. This research paths the way for more studies in the field of multilingualism and multiculturalism. In a world of increasing separation, conflict, crisis and war, the integrative, tolerant system of Luxembourg may serve as an example for peace, integration, tolerance, and harmonious coexistence. Further research could be the research among cross-border workers, by investigating their opinion on the trilingual public education system. Actes des assises europйennes pour une йducation plurilingue (Luxembourg, 3-6 Novembre 1993), Peeters, Louvain-la-Neuve. A case study of pupils with immigrational background in the trilingual school-system of Luxembourg", International Journal of Multilingualism, Vol. An exploratory study of happiness and culture measured by the dimension of a language as identifier in the Grand Duchy", Journal of Customer Behaviour, Vol. Intercultural comparison of Luxembourg-France-Germany", Journal of Strategic and International Studies, Vol 9 No. Together with the increasing migration flows it has been noticed the growing involvement of immigrants in the development of entrepreneurial businesses. This paper presents different indices of the regional entrepreneurship rankings, by focusing on the scores of entrepreneurial activity and attitudes in the context of migration flows.

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In the Church we hear the living Word of God and learn how we must live if we want to please God insomnia images funny 200 mg modafinil purchase. In the Church there is the blazing fire of the saints sleep aid jittery purchase modafinil 100 mg overnight delivery, by which our hearts are kindled insomnia synonyms 100 mg modafinil overnight delivery. Despite all her human weaknesses sleep aid for 3 year old generic modafinil 200 mg without a prescription, apart from the Church no one can be a Christian. What would I know about him, what connection would there be between him and me without the Church? Imitate their way of acting, do everything that the faith requires, as though you were already a believer. One learns how to stay on this path, in other words, how to act rightly and to lead a good life, only by following the instructions in the Gospel. Externally a hypocritical person advocates goals and values that he does not respect privately. The "Five Precepts of the Church" with their minimum requirements are supposed to remind us that one cannot be a Christian without making a moral effort, without participating personally in the sacramental life of the Church, and without union with her in solidarity. They deprive many people of hope in God and extinguish the light of faith in quite a few souls. A Christian unites himself deeply and personally with the Lord and with him sets out on the way that leads to true life. Centuries ago the two sources were summarized for instructional purposes, and the Ten Commandments were presented to the faithful in the present form of the catechetical tradition. Indeed, we men are related at the same time to God (Commandments 1-3) and to our fellow men (Commandments 4-10); we are religious and social beings. The Ten Commandments are the central summary of the basic rules of human behavior in the Old Testament. They are so fundamentally binding that no one can be dispensed from keeping these commandments. Because the Almighty has revealed himself to us as our God and Lord, we must not place anything above him or consider anything more important or give any other thing or person priority over him. The commandment to love God is the most important of all commandments and the key to all the others. Where God is made great, men and women are not made small: there too men and women become great and the world is filled with light. We worship God because he exists and because reverence and worship are the appropriate response to his revelation and his presence. When God is no longer worshipped and when he is no longer thought to be Lord over life and death, others assume that position and put human dignity at risk. Christians, however, are called to help other people, by word and example, to find the way to faith. Faith demands a free adherence on the part of man, but at the same time faith must also be offered to him" (Encyclical Redemptoris missio, 1990, no. But we do appeal to the freedom of men and women to open their hearts to God, to seek him, to hear his voice. God is a personal Being; he is love and the origin of life, not some cold cosmic energy. Man was willed and created by God, but man himself is not divine; rather, he is a creature that is wounded by sin, threatened by death, and in need of redemption. Rather, the Creator, even though he loves us immensely, is infinitely greater and unlike anything he has created. No reasonable person should hold an irrational world view, in which people can tap magical powers or harness mysterious spirits and the "initiated" have a secret knowledge that is withheld from the "ignorant". On the other hand, a revelation in which God manifests himself to man from outside is something foreign to esoteric thinking. In order to protect the mystery of God and to set the people of Israel apart from the idolatrous practices of the pagans, the First Commandment said, "You shall not make for yourself a graven image" (Ex 20:4).

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