
Thomas J. Garite, MD

  • Professor Emeritus, Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • University of California at Irvine
  • Director of Research and Education for Obstetrix
  • Pediatrix Medical Group
  • Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Steamboat Springs, Colorado

Risk D: Consider therapy modification Phenytoi n: Ma y decrea s e the s erum concentra ti on of Ri tona vi r birth control 45 cheap 0.15 mg levlen visa. Amprena vi r ora l s ol uti on not recommended wi th ri tona vi r ora l s ol uti on; ti pra na vi r/ri tona vi r or a ta za na vi r/ri tona vi r not recommended wi th other protea s e i nhi bi tors took my birth control pill 8 hours late order 0.15 mg levlen free shipping. Risk X: Avoid combination Si rol i mus: Protea s e Inhi bi tors ma y i ncrea s e the s erum concentra ti on of Si rol i mus birth control pills 3 months trusted 0.15 mg levlen. Risk X: Avoid combination Ta crol i mus: Protea s e Inhi bi tors ma y decrea s e the meta bol i s m of Ta crol i mus birth control womens libido discount 0.15 mg levlen. Risk X: Avoid combination Tems i rol i mus: Protea s e Inhi bi tors ma y enha nce the a dvers e/toxi c effect of Tems i rol i mus. Risk D: Consider therapy modification Tenofovi r: Lopi na vi r ma y enha nce the nephrotoxi c effect of Tenofovi r. Ma na gement: Moni tor cl os el y for s i gns a nd s ymptoms of vi nbl a s ti ne toxi ci ty; cons i der tempora ry i nterrupti on of l opi na vi r/ri tona vi r a nti vi ra l thera py i f pa ti ents devel op s i gni fi ca nt toxi ci ty wi th concurrent us. Ma na gement: Moni tor cl os el y for s i gns a nd s ymptoms of vi ncri s ti ne toxi ci ty; cons i der tempora ry i nterrupti on of l opi na vi r/ri tona vi r a nti vi ra l thera py i f pa ti ents devel op s i gni fi ca nt toxi ci ty wi th concurrent us. Risk D: Consider therapy modification Vori cona zol e: Ri tona vi r ma y i ncrea s e the meta bol i s m of Vori cona zol. Risk X: Avoid combination Vori cona zol e: Lopi na vi r ma y decrea s e the s erum concentra ti on of Vori cona zol. Risk X: Avoid combination Wa rfa ri n: Lopi na vi r ma y decrea s e the s erum concentra ti on of Wa rfa ri n. Risk C: Monitor therapy Wa rfa ri n: Ri tona vi r ma y decrea s e the s erum concentra ti on of Wa rfa ri n. Sol uti on, ora l: Ka l etra : Lopi na vi r 80 mg a nd ri tona vi r 20 mg per mL (160 mL) [conta i ns a l cohol 42. Denta l Hea l th: Va s ocons tri ctor/Loca l Anes theti c Preca uti ons No i nforma ti on a va i l a bl e to requi re s peci a l preca uti ons Menta l Hea l th: Effects on Menta l Sta tus Ma y ca us e a bnorma l drea ms, a gi ta ti on, a mnes i a, a nxi ety, a ta xi a, confus i on, di zzi nes s, emoti ona l l a bi l i ty, i ns omni a, nervous nes s, s omnol ence, a nd a bnorma l thi nki ng Menta l Hea l th: Effects on Ps ychi a tri c Trea tmentContra i ndi ca ted wi th ergot deri va ti ves, mi da zol a m, pi mozi de, a nd tri a zol a m. Dys l i pi demi a i s common; us e ca uti on wi th cl oza pi ne, ol a nza pi ne, a nd queti a pi ne. Ma y ca us e hypergl ycemi a; us e ca uti on wi th cl oza pi ne a nd ol a nza pi ne. Ca rba ma zepi ne, phenytoi n, a nd phenoba rbi ta l ma y decrea s e l evel s of l opi na vi r. Bri ti s h Na ti ona l Lymphoma Inves ti ga ti on,в Radiother Oncol, 1986, 7(3):215-21. Dos i ng: Pedi a tri cSea s ona l a l l ergi c rhi ni ti s /na s a l conges ti on: Chi l dren 12 yea rs: Refer to a dul t dos i ng. Dos i ng: Rena l Impa i rmentCl cr <30 mL/mi nute: Cl a ri ti n-D 12-Hour: 1 ta bl et da i l y Cl a ri ti n-D 24-Hour: 1 ta bl et every other da y Dos i ng: Hepa ti c Impa i rmentShoul d be a voi ded. Di s conti nue a nd conta ct hea l thca re provi der i f nervous nes s, di zzi nes s or s l eepl es s nes s occur. La cta ti onEnters brea s t mi l k/not recommended Advers e Rea cti ons See i ndi vi dua l a gents. Rel a ted Informa ti on Lora ta di ne Ps eudoephedri ne Denta l Hea l th: Effects on Denta l Trea tmentKey a dvers e event(s) rel a ted to denta l trea tment: Ps eudoephedri ne: Xeros tomi a (norma l s a l i va ry fl ow res umes upon di s conti nua ti on). Dos i ng: Pedi a tri c Chi l dren 2-5 yea rs: Sea s ona l a l l ergi c rhi ni ti s, chroni c i di opa thi c urti ca ri a: Ora l: 5 mg once da i l y Chi l dren 6 yea rs: Refer to a dul t dos i ng. Dos i ng: Rena l Impa i rment Cl cr 30 mL/mi nute: Chi l dren 2-5 yea rs: 5 mg every other da y Chi l dren 6 yea rs a nd Adul ts: 10 mg every other da y Dos i ng: Hepa ti c Impa i rment El i mi na ti on ha l f-l i fe i ncrea s es wi th s everi ty of di s ea s. Chi l dren 2-5 yea rs: 5 mg every other da y Chi l dren 6 yea rs a nd Adul ts: 10 mg every other da y Ca l cul a ti ons Crea ti ni ne Cl ea ra nce: Adul ts Crea ti ni ne Cl ea ra nce: Pedi a tri cs Admi ni s tra ti on: Ora l Ta ke on a n empty s toma ch. Ra pi dl y-di s i ntegra ti ng ta bl ets: Us e wi thi n 6 months of openi ng foi l pouch, a nd i mmedi a tel y a fter openi ng i ndi vi dua l ta bl et bl i s ter. Contra i ndi ca ti ons Hypers ens i ti vi ty to l ora ta di ne or a ny component of the formul a ti on Wa rni ngs /Preca uti ons Disease-related concerns: Hepa ti c i mpa i rment: Us e wi th ca uti on i n pa ti ents wi th hepa ti c i mpa i rment; dos a ge a djus tment recommended. Geri a tri c Cons i dera ti ons Lora ta di ne i s a nons eda ti ng a nti hi s ta mi nes; beca us e of i ts l ow i nci dence of s i de effects, i t s eems to be a good choi ce i n the el derl y. However, there i s a wi de va ri a ti on i n l ora ta di ne ha l f-l i fe reported i n the el derl y a nd thi s s houl d be kept i n mi nd when i ni ti a ti ng dos i ng. Pregna ncy Ri s k Fa ctorB Pregna ncy Cons i dera ti ons Lora ta di ne wa s not found to be tera togeni c i n a ni ma l s tudi es.

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Microtine rodents are also commonly infected with the causative agent of yersiniosis (Y birth control pills japan levlen 0.15 mg purchase amex. Recently birth control cases levlen 0.15 mg buy visa, a number of outbreaks of yersiniosis birth control iud mirena purchase 0.15 mg levlen fast delivery, primarily in the Russian Federation birth control vasectomy order levlen 0.15 mg fast delivery, have been linked to eating raw 449 Non-commensal rodents and lagomorphs Public Health Significance of Urban Pests vegetables contaminated with Y. Old World mice Species of Apodemus are particularly important hosts for many tick-borne pathogens, and at least 23 species of ticks are reported on the wood mouse. Dormice Although less important as hosts of rodent-related disease agents than the voles or Old World mice, the edible or fat dormouse has been implicated as the source of F. Others have proposed that dormice might act as hosts for the murine typhus agent (R. New World rats and mice Although many species of rats and mice exist in the New World murine subfamily Sigmodontinae, only a few are likely to be found near human habitations or to pose a significant risk of disease to people. Among the species of Peromyscus, the deer mouse and the white-footed mouse are widespread and particularly important. A number of species in the western United States are commonly found to be infected with Y. Wood rats are also hosts of a recently recognized arenavirus (Whitewater Arroyo virus), which is of unknown significance to human health (Fulhorst et al. Wood rats have also been found seropositive for hepatitis E virus in New Mexico (Favorov et al. Finally, wood rats have been reported to serve as hosts for the protozoon parasite Trypanosoma cruzi that causes Chagas disease. Trypanosoma cruzi is transmitted by a type of reduviid bug that can be found living within the large stick nests built by these animals (Peterson et al. Four species of cotton rats occur in the temperate regions of North America, but only one of these, the hispid cotton rat, is likely to pose a significant threat to human health. Hispid cotton rats can occur near human habitations and are extremely abundant in much of the south-eastern and south-central United States, including some largely urban areas with appropriate habitat and other sites undergoing urbanization. Recently, Kosoy and colleagues (1997, 1999, 2004a,b) reported that cotton rats are hosts to four uncharacterized Bartonella genogroups. Rabbits and hares Tularaemia, which is often referred to as rabbit fever, is frequently found in rabbits and hares, and these animals are common sources of human infection (Hopla, 1974; Jellison, 1974; Hopla & Hopla, 1994; Petersen & Schriefer, 2005). In the United States, rabbits are the source of tularaemia infection in 90% of human cases, 70% of which result from contact with the genus Sylvilagus. Jackrabbits also are an important source of infection in some areas of the United States, but are a minor factor nationally, and exposure to snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) account for less than 1% of cases of human tularaemia in the United States. In Europe, tularaemia has been detected in brown hares (Lepus europaeus), mountain hares (Lepus timidus), and rabbits (such as the European rabbit). High rates of mortality were usually observed among all these species, with death occurring 7­19 days after exposure. In Europe, die-offs of hares often followed epizootics in small rodents (Borg et al. In most instances, these cases have occurred in 451 Non-commensal rodents and lagomorphs Public Health Significance of Urban Pests hunters and others who have skinned infected carcasses. Cottontail rabbits, however, also occur frequently in urbanized environments, and rabbit carcasses positive for Y. Other bacterial or rickettsial disease agents reported from lagomorphs include those that cause pasteurellosis, brucellosis, yersiniosis, listeriosis, rickettsioses (Rickettsia spp. Although lagomorphs harbour viruses, such as myxoma virus, snowshoe hare virus, herpesvirus and the virus that causes European brown hare syndrome, these agents do not appear to be important causes of illness in people (Dunaeva, 1979). As deer mouse populations increased, so did the frequency at which peridomestic environments, including homes, were invaded ­ a factor that greatly increased the risk of exposing people to hantavirusinfected animals or their excreta. Based on a study by Kuenzi and colleagues (2001), which demonstrated that the breeding season of deer mice in peridomestic sites was about two months longer than in naturally occurring habitats, Mills (2005) suggested that this factor could influence the risk of exposure of people living in these sites. Human plague in the south-western United States largely occurs in peridomestic environments located in formerly rural areas that are rapidly undergoing urbanization. The risk of people acquiring plague in these areas is likely to be influenced by environmental factors, such as yearly variations in climatic variables, that affect rodent and vector abundance.

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Risk C: Monitor therapy Vi ta mi n K Anta goni s ts (eg birth control pills ovarian cancer buy cheap levlen 0.15 mg on line, wa rfa ri n): Ci meti di ne ma y enha nce the a nti coa gul a nt effect of Vi ta mi n K Anta goni s ts birth control for female 0.15 mg levlen mastercard. Risk D: Consider therapy modification Za l epl on: Ci meti di ne ma y decrea s e the meta bol i s m of Za l epl on birth control icd 10 buy levlen 0.15 mg with visa. Risk D: Consider therapy modification Zol mi tri pta n: Ci meti di ne ma y i ncrea s e the s erum concentra ti on of Zol mi tri pta n birth control 4 day period levlen 0.15 mg order with mastercard. Food: Ci meti di ne ma y i ncrea s e s erum ca ffei ne l evel s i f ta ken wi th ca ffei ne. To be effecti ve, conti nue to ta ke for the pres cri bed ti me (pos s i bl y s evera l weeks) even though s ymptoms ma y ha ve i mproved. Smoki ng decrea s es the effecti venes s of ci meti di ne (s top s moki ng i f pos s i bl e). Ma y ca us e hea da che, di zzi nes s, a gi ta ti on (us e ca uti on when dri vi ng or enga gi ng i n a ny potenti a l l y ha za rdous ta s ks unti l res pons e to drug i s known); na us ea or vomi ti ng (s ma l l, frequent mea l s, frequent mouth ca re, chewi ng gum, or s ucki ng l ozenges ma y hel p); or di a rrhea (buttermi l k, boi l ed mi l k, or yogurt ma y hel p). Parathyroid carcinoma: Ora l: Ini ti a l: 30 mg twi ce da i l y (ma xi mum da i l y dos e: 360 mg da i l y a s 90 mg 4 ti mes /da y); i ncrea s e dos e i ncrementa l l y (60 mg twi ce da i l y, 90 mg twi ce da i l y, 90 mg 3-4 ti mes /da y) a s neces s a ry to norma l i ze s erum ca l ci um l evel s. Dos i ng: Hepa ti c Impa i rmentPa ti ents wi th modera te-to-s evere dys functi on (Chi l d-Pugh cl a s s es B a nd C) ha ve a n i ncrea s ed expos ure to ci na ca l cet a nd i ncrea s ed ha l f-l i fe. Dos i ng: Adjus tment for Toxi ci tyDosage adjustment for hypocalcemia: If s erum ca l ci um >7. Ca l cul a ti ons Ca l ci um Correcti on Admi ni s tra ti on: Ora l Admi ni s ter wi th food or s hortl y a fter a mea l. Dos a ge reducti ons ma y be neces s a ry upon rei ni ti a ti on of ci na ca l cet trea tment. Al though bel ow norma l tes tos terone l evel s ma y occur i n pa ti ents wi th end-s ta ge rena l di s ea s e, the cl i ni ca l s i gni fi ca nce ha s not been determi ned. Disease-related concerns: Ca rdi ova s cul a r di s ea s e: Us e wi th ca uti on i n pa ti ents wi th ca rdi ova s cul a r di s ea s e; i di os yncra ti c hypotens i on a nd/or wors eni ng of hea rt fa i l ure ha ve been reported i n pa ti ents wi th i mpa i red ca rdi ova s cul a r functi on. Al though pos s i bl y rel a ted to l ower ba s el i ne ca l ci um l evel s, cl i ni ca l s tudi es ha ve s hown a n i ncrea s ed i nci dence of hypoca l cemi a (<8. Pregna ncy Ri s k Fa ctorC Pregna ncy Cons i dera ti ons In a ni ma l s tudi es, there were no tera togeni c effects s een. La cta ti onExcreti on i n brea s t mi l k unknown/not recommended Brea s t-Feedi ng Cons i dera ti ons Due to the potenti a l for s eri ous a dvers e effects i n the nurs i ng i nfa nt, the ma nufa cturer recommends di s conti nui ng nurs i ng or di s conti nui ng ci na ca l cet. Risk C: Monitor therapy Ta crol i mus: Ci na ca l cet ma y decrea s e the s erum concentra ti on of Ta crol i mus. Risk C: Monitor therapy Tri cycl i c Anti depres s a nts: Ci na ca l cet ma y i ncrea s e the s erum concentra ti on of Tri cycl i c Anti depres s a nts. Risk C: Monitor therapy Etha nol /Nutri ti on/Herb Intera cti ons Food: Food i ncrea s es bi oa va i l a bi l i ty. As s es s res ul ts of l a bora tory tes ts, thera peuti c res pons e (ca l ci um l evel s), a nd a dvers e rea cti ons (eg, hypoca l cemi a [pa res thes i a s, mya l gi a, cra mpi ng, teta ny, convul s i ons]) frequentl y a t begi nni ng of thera py a nd regul a rl y therea fter. Tea ch pa ti ent pos s i bl e s i de effects, i nterventi ons to reduce s i de effects, a nd a dvers e s ymptoms to report. Pa ra thyroi d ca rci noma: Serum ca l ci um l evel s pri or to i ni ti a ti on a nd wi thi n a week of i ni ti a ti on or dos a ge a djus tment; once ma i ntena nce dos e i s es ta bl i s hed, obta i n s erum ca l ci um l evel every 2 months. Ta ke exa ctl y a s di rected wi th food; do not brea k, chew, or crus h ta bl et (s wa l l ow whol e). You ma y experi ence di zzi nes s (us e ca uti on when dri vi ng or enga ged i n potenti a l l y ha za rds ta s ks unti l res pons e to drug i s known); na us ea, vomi ti ng, or l os s of a ppeti the (good mouth ca re, s ma l l frequent mea l s, s ucki ng l ozenges, or chewi ng gum ma y hel p); di a rrhea (yogurt or boi l ed mi l k ma y hel p). Report a ny mus cl e cra mpi ng, twi tches, tremors, or s pa s ms; ches t pa i n or pa l pi ta ti ons; unres ol ved ga s troi ntes ti na l di s turba nce, or other pers i s tent a dvers e effects. Ta bl et: Sens i pa r: 30 mg, 60 mg, 90 mg Generi c Ava i l a bl eNo Ma nufa cturerAmgen Pri ci ng: U. Ci na ca l cet ma y i ncrea s e l evel s of a mi tri ptyl i ne a nd nortri ptyl i ne; moni tor for i ncrea s ed effects a nd/or s erum l evel s. Bra nd Na mes Ci prodex Ca na di a n Bra nd Na mes Ci prodex Pha rma col ogi c Ca tegoryAnti bi oti c/Corti cos teroi d, Oti c Us e: La bel ed Indi ca ti ons Trea tment of a cute oti ti s medi a i n pedi a tri c pa ti ents wi th tympa nos tomy tubes or a cute oti ti s externa i n chi l dren a nd a dul ts Dos i ng: Adul ts Acute oti ti s externa: Oti c: Ins ti l l 4 drops i nto a ffected ea r(s) twi ce da i l y for 7 da ys Dos i ng: El derl yRefer to a dul t dos i ng. Dos i ng: Pedi a tri cAcute oti ti s medi a i n pa ti ents wi th tympa nos tomy tubes or a cute oti ti s externa: Oti c: Ins ti l l 4 drops i nto a ffected ea r(s) twi ce da i l y for 7 da ys Admi ni s tra ti on: OtherOti c: Pri or to i ns ti l l a ti on, bottl e s houl d be wa rmed i n ha nds for 1-2 mi nutes.


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