
Nenad Bursac, PhD

  • Professor of Biomedical Engineering
  • Associate Professor in Medicine
  • Professor in Cell Biology
  • Member of the Duke Cancer Institute
  • Co-Director of the Regeneration Next Initiative

During this period aggression symptoms for strep throat prochlorperazine 5 mg free shipping, combativeness symptoms 89 nissan pickup pcv valve bad prochlorperazine 5 mg buy low price, and ambition are additions to the drive for achievement medicine man 1992 prochlorperazine 5 mg purchase fast delivery. There is no clear resolution to the nature/nurture debate 85 medications that interact with grapefruit 5 mg prochlorperazine order fast delivery, but it is reasonable to assume that both biology and culture play a role in gender differences. Functionalism and Gender-Functionalism assumes that gender-related behavior exists because it is useful for society. A gender division of labor is efficient, and men are more expendable in a reproductive sense, so it makes sense they would be assigned the more dangerous tasks. Others argue that while functionalism may be useful for explaining how gender roles emerged, the gender division of labor no longer makes sense in modern society. Functionalists do note that some gender divisions may be dysfunctional for society. Conflict Theory and Gender-Conflict theorists note that differential access to valuable resources for men and women preserves the status quo of higher status and greater privilege for men. Women were not educated, could not work outside the home, could not leave the house without a man, were required to completely cover themselves, including painting the windows to their homes black. Marxist and socialist feminists argue that capitalism requires an unpaid workforce in the home to produce and care for workers. Recent public cases have been the Naval Tailhook scandal that occurred at a convention in Las Vegas, and the reporting in 2003 of fifty rapes or sexual assaults of female cadets at the Air Force Academy. Symbolic Interactionism and Gender-Symbolic interactionism is most concerned with the process of gender socialization, during which children learn the roles considered socially appropriate for their sex. During socialization, gender is incorporated into the self-concept through role taking and the looking-glass self. The role of parents is vital to gender socialization, which begins at birth and is well-established by the age of two. Boys are discouraged from clinging, and girls are cuddled, handled gently, and talked to more. Household chores are assigned on the basis of gender, and parents often evaluate their children according to their gender conformity. Observation of pre-school teachers has found sex-based differences in parent-student relationships. In one study, Myra and David Sadker found that boys who called out without raising their hands were called on, while girls were admonished for similar behavior. Girls outperform boys in the early grades, but their ambition and competition are discouraged. Girls are taught passivity, deference to boys, and a dislike for math and science. Even at very young ages, children are rewarded for gender role conformity by their peers. During adolescence, compliance with gender roles can contribute to approval and greater respect, resulting in increased self-concept. Adolescents who do not fit the cultural ideal for gender-related behavior may be ostracized and suffer lower self-concept. All members of society are continually bombarded with images from the media, and many studies document how these include distorted images of women and men, both, as well as the prevalence of violence against women. Most recently, video games like, Grand Theft Auto, denigrate women and promote violence. The hugely popular harlequin romance novels are another source of stereotypical images of passive women and aggressive men. Although there has been some improvement, television continues to portray women who work outside of the home in primarily female-dominated occupations. Men are consistently aggressive, independent, and in charge, while women are the victims, passive and dependent. Advertising continues to be dominated by stereotypical images of men and women, based on the same characterizations of aggressive men and passive, dependent women. Sex Stereotypes-Stereotypes are distorted and oversimplified ideas that are applied to every member of a particular group, and are used as the basis for judgments. Sex stereotypes characterize men in American society as virile, brave, sexually aggressive, unemotional, logical, rational, mechanical, practical, dominating, independent, aggressive, confident, competitive, and innately superior to women. Women are stereotyped in an opposite manner: weak, fearful, sexually passive, emotional, insecure, sentimental, "arty," dependent, submissive, modest, shy, and noncompetitive. Gender Roles-Gender roles are the idealized behavioral expectations for members of each sex.


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Growthfailuremaybeverysevere,usually with excess weight gain, although normalisation of bodyshapeandheightoccursonwithdrawaloftreat ment or treatment of the underlying steroid excess. Disproportionate short stature Thisisconfirmedbymeasuring: · · Sittingheight­baseofspinetotopofhead Subischialleglength­subtractionofsittingheight fromtotalheight · Limitedradiographicskeletalsurveytoidentifythe skeletalabnormality. Thebackmaybeshortfromsevere scoliosis or some storage disorders, such as the mucopolysaccharidoses. Inadequatenutritionmaybeduetoinsuf ficient food, restricted diets or poor appetite associ ated with a chronic illness, or from the increased nutritional requirement from a raised metabolic rate. Chronicillnesseswhichmaypresentwithshortstature include: Examination and investigation Plottingpresentandpreviousheightsandweightson appropriate growth charts, together with the clinical features, usually allows the cause to be identified without any investigations. Coeliacdiseasemayresultinshortstature withoutgastrointestinalsymptoms · Crohndisease · Chronicrenalfailure­maybepresentinthe absenceofahistoryofrenaldisease. This condition may be extremely difficult to identify,butaffectedchildrenshowcatchupgrowthif placedinanurturingenvironment. Growth hormone treatment of short stature Growth hormone deficiencyistreatedwithbiosynthetic growth hormone, which is given by subcutaneous injection,usuallydaily. Itisexpensiveandthemanage ment of growth hormone deficiency is undertaken at specialistcentres. InPrader­Willisyndrome(animprint ing disorder resulting in early hypotonia and feeding difficultiesfollowedbyshortstature,obesityandlearn ing difficulties), growth hormone improves muscular Chromosomal disorder/syndromes Manychromosomaldisordersandsyndromesareasso ciated with short stature. Turner syndrome may be particularlydifficulttodiagnoseclinicallyandshould be considered in all short females. Extreme short stature There are a few rare conditions that cause extreme short stature in children. These include absolute 1 2 3 4 Growth and puberty 187 5 Causes & evaluation of short stature 11 Growth and puberty (a) Familial Following growth centile within predicted range for parental height (b) Severe intrauterine growth restriction or prematurity Short from birth 200 195 190 185 180 175 170 165 160 155 150 145 140 135 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 10 5 0 99. Delayed bone age (f) Psychosocial · emotional deprivation/ neglect 200 195 190 185 180 175 170 165 160 155 150 145 140 135 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 10 5 0 Diagnosis and treatment 99. Consider Turner syndrome in all short females Russell­Silver syndrome Rare Figure 11. However, some adolescents (mainly females) becomeconcernedaboutexcessiveheightduringtheir pubertalgrowthspurt. Both con genital adrenal hyperplasia and precocious puberty lead to early epiphyseal fusion so that eventual height is reduced after an early excessive growth rate. Consider familial, low birthweight, constitutional delay of growth and puberty, syndromes and skeletal dysplasias · Growth failure with crossing of centile lines? Consider endocrine (including therapeutic corticosteroids), nutrition/chronic illness, psychosocial deprivation Determine the mid-parental height · For genetic target range History · Birth length, weight, head circumference and gestational age · Pregnancy history: infection, intrauterine growth restriction, drug use, alcohol/smoking · Feeding history · Developmental milestones · Family history of constitutional delay of growth and puberty or other diseases? Diagnosis Cause can usually be determined from the above and no tests are required Microcephaly Microcephaly, a head circumference below the 2nd centile,maybe: Abnormal head growth Mostheadgrowthoccursinthefirst2yearsoflifeand 80%ofadultheadsizeisachievedbeforetheageof5 years. Excessiveheight in prepubertal or early pubertal adolescent females and males can be treated with oestrogen therapy andtestosteronetherapy,respectively,toinducepre maturefusionoftheepiphyses,butasitproducesvari able results and has potentially serious sideeffects, it is seldom undertaken. Surgical destruction of the epiphyses in the legs may also be considered in extremecases. During the first few months of life, the head circumference may increase across centiles, especially if small for gestational age. Ifthereisarapid increase in head circumference, raised intracranial pressureshouldbeexcluded. At9monthsofage,hewasrushedtohospitalashe wasunrousablefromprofoundhypoglycaemiasec ondarytothedeliberateadministrationofinsulinby his mother, who had diabetes. Although Tim was takeninto care and had no further hypoglycaemic episodes, his head circumference shows cessation ofgrowth. A rapidly increasing head circumference, eveniftheheadcircumferenceisstillbelowthe98th centile, suggests raised intracranial pressure and may be due to hydrocephalus, subdural haematoma or brain tumour.

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But in the tale called ``The Inferior Woman medications for schizophrenia prochlorperazine 5 mg purchase fast delivery,' she just as deftly challenges the same bourgeois domesticity that cements her own privilege medications errors pictures cheap prochlorperazine 5 mg otc. The mother now looks down her nose at a younger woman who would have been praised for upward mobility had she been a (white) man symptoms you are pregnant cheap prochlorperazine 5 mg without a prescription. Referring self-reflexively to her own trickster-like slipperiness around class and race 4 medications list at walmart prochlorperazine 5 mg line, Sui Sin Far designates this working girl as a ``Bohemian,' a term (as Willa Cather would see) for both an ethnic outsider and a spirit who flouts class conventions. V In fiction as in everyday life, turn-of-the-century understandings of class were thus reconstructed through both residual and emergent vocabularies, delineated in social boundaries, and transmitted through other modalities of social difference. If we reduce class to merely its ideological construction in language, or in fictive imaginings, it may end up looking more malleable than it really was in any given historical moment. Linking class to our own notions of linguistic fluidity and disguise, we might return to using ``class' as a synonym for virtually any kind of status or occupational distinction. The resulting portrait of turn-of-the-century life might not look so very different from that of Richard Chase or Lionel Trilling. In a related vein, if we relegate class to a secondary variable subsumed by its coterminous categories of difference, we risk diminishing the material force of social division even among social newcomers and outsiders themselves. It is a truism, of course, that class exists in a set of social rhetorics and as lived experience. It thus hinges on more than just ideological consciousness, class awareness, or its imaginative construction in works of literature. Rather, the meaning of class also pivots on matters of structural placement and material grounding, matters that quite often contest the ideological labeling or accent that a literary text, which we often read in isolation, assigns. The larger issue, therefore, is not only about how much weight to assign to any one particular category of identity, but how much we assign to the semantic field itself. In ``The Inferior Woman,' class can seem a slippery, intermediating element, yet in complex processes with quite material consequences: processes of negotiating social acceptance, controlling how one is read, or carving out a political affiliation. A transgressor herself, Sui Sin Far knew well that the meaning of class extended well beyond its ideological coding or even code-switching: to her social placements in relation to ethnic whites; to privileges and duties embedded in the domestic labor and service she herself performed; to matters of differential citizenship and, conversely, the legal or illegal exclusion she defied. These conditions explain why, in fact, there has been a persisting scholarly interest in the social processes of class construction that not only precede literary representation but accompany it. Scholars continue to explore the class formations and alliances of literary professionalism and reading communities, the logistical mechanics of underworld exploration, the traversing of class difference in local color or travel writing. These journeys into the powers in and beyond writing help us understand the cultural work not only in exhibiting social ``others' but in gathering up and displaying the cultural capital of the observer. We need an understanding of professionalism, or even the professional­managerial class, that is expansive enough to include how women or new immigrants moved into white-collar work and redefined what professions were. We should continue to explore how debates over ``Americanization,' mass culture, or standards of ``whiteness' enshrined in custom and law played out against class divisions that industrial culture had opened up. We need to understand the relays and code-switching that allowed figures like Abraham Cahan, or Mary Antin, or Booker T. Wilson ethnic progress, but to strategically traverse boundaries of class, befriend but not transgress the authority of those to whom education or patronage had always been accented by social rank. We need to see how an emergent transnational consciousness modified, as in the case of writers like Sui Sin Far or Finley Peter Dunne or Pauline Hopkins, not only their sense of color or national affiliation, but their eye for lost cultural capital(s) of class standing, whether in China or Ireland or Africa. On these and other fronts, by exploring its public acts and its secrets, class and its mechanics can continue to be rewritten. White Collar Fictions: Class and Social Representation in American Literature, 1885­1925. The author reports that in 1910 over 20 percent of the American labor force was foreign-born, almost 40 percent if you count the second generation. Economically speaking, he finds these numbers encouraging, since before the Civil War, ``an adult slave used to be valued at from $800 to $1000, so that every adult immigrant may be looked upon as worth that sum to the country' (Mayo-Smith and Ingraham 1911: 431). But he discards this and other careless approximations after taking into account the ``more numerously represented' immigrants who came from the ``criminal, defective and dependent classes,' not to mention that ``element which has made itself obnoxious to the local sentiment,' namely east European Jews. With the consummate self-assurance of the Victorian classes, however, ``Migration' offers this sanguine proclamation about the United States and its noble experiment: ``Doubtless immigration in the last fifty years of the nineteenth century had a modifying effect on American life; but on the whole the power of a modern civilized community working through individual freedom to assimilate elements not differing from it too radically has been displayed to a remarkable degree' (p. Most educated Anglo-Americans by the 1910s shared the ``progressive' political view that their collective history would consolidate the visibly chaotic ``nation of Ethnic Realism 357 nations' into one acceptable, respectable norm. But how strong is that Anglo-Saxon ground-work which holds them all firmly together to its shape, if no longer to its colour! Nevertheless, the ``modifying effect' of immigration appeared to intensify rather than subside by the First World War, as the millions of ``criminal, defective and dependent' immigrants seemed illequipped and unwilling to consent to the procedure of assimilation.


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  • Diringer MN, Edwards DF, Zazulia AR. Hydrocephalus: a previously unrecognized predictor of poor outcome from supratentorial intracerebral hemorrhage. Stroke 1998;29(7): 1352-7.