
Leonard Kaban, DMD, MD, FACS

  • Walter C Guralnick Professor and Chairman
  • Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Harvard School of Dental Medicine
  • Chief, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Boston, Massachusetts

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Ten inventions have caused such a as well as sensational discoveries sensation as this one which culminated in the only man-made lightning ever produced. The Tesla coil has so many uses and has been built in so many styles that it would take a catalog to list them all. From the spectacular high frequency stunts on the stage down to the "violet" ray machine in your home; all are Tesla coils in one form or another. Without an oscillawhich is a Tesla Coil the sending station tion transformer, snarl; gap and condenser when he decided to move the lamp two inches farther. My was hopes tered that this the final act were shat- when the OberInspector returned and said so to me: "Reis I mine and whose support I endeavored to enlist. He was sincerely devoted to me and put my project - gierungsrath Funke particular that would not dare to give an order for placing this lamp without his explicit before several wealthy persons but, to my mortification, - approval. He wanted to help me in every possible way and the approach of the ^ first would be crippled. Hut it is for industrial purposes where the Tesla Coil will shine brightest in the future. Bauzin had buried a Estephe of 1801 and he came to the Everybody brushed up, T put on my gloves and when Funke came v itli his retinue he was ceremoniously received. New York City, March 1st to 15th, was the most successful aero show and exposition ever held in the United States. The Picture Gives an Excellent Idea of the Construction and Shows the Separate Gasbags ior Ballonets) Which Are. A German looked like, or how it worked, and many of them had a twisted notion that it had something to do with telegraphy somehow or other. The roof operstationed at that point so that he could readily observe the approach of aircraft, would start calling the airplane or dirigible as soon as it came to view, somewhat in this fashion: "Hello airplane! Radio-telephony was demonstrated by the Army Radio Corps of the Air Division in a very popular and interesting way. During the course of the exposition, various types of aircraft flew over the city, equipt with wireless telephone and telegraph installations, - filled with the new who approximately 3,000 feet it it exploded in a burst of brown smoke, falling upon a roof in the neighborhood of Fifth Avenue. It burst about a thousand feet under us ought to make good stuff for the reporters. In this two- and o ther features which appealed I wireless telephone conversation with the Secretary of the Navy, who was located at way visitor in of th( lookinj I the airplanes of signs, ?and he used his ordinary desk telephone, which was connected up to the wireless transmitting set in Washington, small. The Fastest Airplane Exhibited At the Aero Show In New York Th e "Christmas Bullet" rapidly manipulated by To Be Used the form of antenna Rated Speed 200 Miles Per Hour. Whenever reel, on which the phosfor bronze stranded on hand of the various magneto ignition antenna cable was wound upon or released an airplane or dirigible was in radio telebeautiful model was shown of a systems. One of the wires wear on long distance trips, or in night flypressure, but thanks to their keen percepforms the aerial, while the other forms a ing when it is particularly cold. The tuning Other exhibits included luminous radium fully telephoning by radio from a moving and detecting apparatus are connected bedial measuring instruments and gages, elecvehicle in the air, in proximity to a terrific tween them in the cockpit. One of the Many Exhibitions of the Special Feature at the Aero Show Held In New less Telephone Set, City. The Management of the Show Arranged for Demonstrations and Exhibitions of the Many Developments of Aerial communication Recently Adopted by the U. If the until it traffic is quite light, it be up to the stamaster to cut out two of the escalators and block them off, running one of the rewill tion maining pair upward and the other downward. As the crowd slowly changes and becomes a strong uptownbound traffic, toward the latter part of the afternoon, then all of the escalators will be run downward. The reason for ing install- the escalators at this station was because of the fact that the 7th Avenue Subway, which dives under the Inter- boro Subway, running under Broadway at this point, has to pass under the latter Subway, an. Any Or All of Which May be Operated Either Up Or Down, Depending Upon the Direction of Traffic, Which Is Mostly Eastward in the Morning and Westward at Night.

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As in the valgus stress test antimicrobial 109 key 24 ghz soft silent key flexible wireless keyboard minocycline 50 mg buy amex, increased varus laxity in full extension implies more extensive injury antibiotic resistance veterinary minocycline 50 mg purchase without a prescription, usually involving the posterolateral ligament complex and one or both cruciate ligaments virus 10 2009 minocycline 50 mg buy otc. This is conventionally defined as the ability to translate the tibia anteriorly an abnormal amount in relation to the femur antibiotic resistance who report 2014 buy 50 mg minocycline with amex. The examiner then grasps the tibia just below the joint line and asks the patient to relax. If the patient is properly relaxed, the lower limb should feel as if it would fall over to the side if the examiner released it. In most patients, the tibia can be felt to move forward at least a few millimeters and then stop suddenly with a hard endpoint. Although the anterior drawer test is the most well known test for abnormal anterior knee laxity, it has some problems and limitations. For these reasons, the Lachman test has surpassed the anterior drawer test as a basic screening examination for abnormal anterior knee laxity. The examiner stands at the side of the table near the knee and grasps the lower leg with one hand. The thumb of this upper hand presses against the femur through the quadriceps tendon while the other fingers wrap around the posterior thigh. If any of the hamstrings are felt to be tight, identifying the tight muscle to the patient and massaging it a bit often allows the patient to relax. As with the valgus stress test, better relaxation may sometimes be obtained by abducting the lower limb and allowing the thigh to rest on the examination table (see Fig. In this case, the knee is flexed over the side of the table and the foot rests on the lap of the seated examiner. Once the patient is adequately relaxed, the examiner pulls forward on the tibia with one hand while simultaneously pushing backward on the femur with the other hand in a reciprocating manner. As in the anterior drawer test, the amount of anterior excursion and the quality of the endpoint are assessed. One of the differences that makes the Lachman test easier to assess than the anterior drawer test is that in most normal patients, there is little or no excursion of the tibia when the Lachman test is performed. Either no translation at all or 1 mm to 2 mm of translation with a very firm endpoint is appreciated. Often, this increased translation can be visibly appreciated by focusing on the forward movement of the tibia at the tubercle of Gerdy or over the medial tibial plateau. In subtly abnormal cases, the examiner may not be sure that increased excursion is present, but he or she may sense a soft end point that differs from the uninjured knee. In these cases, increased anterior laxity is present but a firm endpoint is still noted. This endpoint is usually easier to appreciate after the swelling and stiffness of the acute injury have subsided. In addition, some patients with greater than average anterior knee laxity may demonstrate a mild physiologic pivot shift in the absence of any knee injury. Many patients whose knees hyperextend can be expected to demonstrate this physiologic pivot shift. With the patient supine and relaxed, the examiner lifts the lower limb off the table by the foot and internally rotates it (Fig. This may be a straight position or hyperextension, depending on what is normal for that particular patient. If the knee does not fall into full extension, whether due to pain, swelling, or a displaced meniscus tear, the pivot shift test may not be accurate. The examiner then places the palm of the other hand on the lateral aspect of the proximal leg, just below the knee, and gently applies a force that results in valgus stress as well as flexes the knee (see Fig.

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In patients with subtle cases of recurrent anterior subluxation antibiotic 600 mg purchase minocycline 50 mg line, the apprehension test may produce pain but no true apprehension antibiotic used for uti discount minocycline 50 mg buy line. Pain in the apprehension position is suggestive treatment for uncomplicated uti minocycline 50 mg order amex, but not diagnostic antibiotic zithromax and alcohol 50 mg minocycline purchase, of anterior instability. The relocation test was developed to increase the specificity of the apprehension test for cases of subtle anterior instability. The purpose of this force is to push the presumably subluxed humeral head back into the glenoid fossa. The examiner may even be able to externally rotate and extend the shoulder several degrees further while maintaining the posteriorly directed force Figure 2-69. Multidirectional instability occurs when the humeral head can be dislocated or subluxed in more than one direction. The sine qua non of multidirectional instability is inferior instability combined with instability in at least one other direction. Some, but not all, of these patients also have signs of generalized ligamentous laxity. The purpose of this traction is to sublux the humeral head inferiorly in relationship to the glenoid fossa. In patients with greater degrees of inferior laxity, a hollow or sulcus is visible between the lateral edge of the acromion and the humeral head (Fig. The size of the sulcus can be quantitated subjectively or estimated in millimeters or centimeters. The presence of a sulcus sign identifies the patient who is at risk for multidirectional instability, but a sulcus sign does not conclusively indicate this diagnosis. The significance of the sulcus sign increases if the size of the sulcus is greater on the symptomatic than on the normal side. Patients with inferior instability often exhibit signs of apprehension when the sulcus test is performed. Ihe jerk and circumduction tests are two provocative tests to reproduce symptoms of posterior instability. The examiner then applies a posteriorly directed force at the elbow, attempting to push the humeral head out the back of the glenoid fossa (Fig. A jerk or jump may be felt as the humeral head dislocates out of the glenoid posteriorly. Internal rotation and adduction of the shoulder may help the humeral head to dislocate. In the presence of more subtle posterior instability, the test may produce pain or apprehension without a palpable dislocation. Because considerable variation in shoulder laxity exists among individuals, it is important to examine and compare both shoulders. In fact, examining the normal shoulder First often allows the patient to relax better. Most normal individuals exhibit greater posterior than anterior laxity with this test. In many normal patients, the humeral head can be translated anteriorly approximately 25% of the width of the glenoid and posteriorly about 50% of the width of the glenoid. Translation greater than these amounts, particularly when increased compared with the asymptomatic shoulder, suggests the possibility of clinical instability in the associated direction. The load-and-shift test is similar in concept to the drawer test, but it is performed with the shoulder in a mildly abducted position. To perform this test, the patient is asked to lie on the examination table in a supine position. The examiner then pushes the humeral head forward with the thumb while stabilizing the scapula with the long finger (Fig. Obviously, complete patient relaxation is essential for the proper interpretation of this test.

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Rupture of extensor pollicis tendon: this occurs due to the attrition of the tendon as it glides over the sharp fracture surfaces antibiotic news buy 50 mg minocycline free shipping. This usually occurs after 4-6 weeks and may be repaired or left alone with no residual disability bacteria structure generic 50 mg minocycline mastercard. The patient complains of pain virus 8 characteristics of life generic 50 mg minocycline with amex, swelling antibiotic questionnaire discount minocycline 50 mg on-line, painful wrist movements and red-stretched shiny skin (Fig. Treatment consists of immobilization of the affected part with plaster splints, injection of local anesthetics near the sympathetic ganglion in the axilla or cervical sympathectomy in extreme cases. It is said that the patient has performed a mental amputation and kept the limb still. The treatment consists of open reduction, rigid internal fixation and bone grafting. If cosmesis is the priority, corrective osteotomy done at the radial fracture site gives good results. Intracapsular fracture neck femur is notoriously known as an orthopedic enigma, since a permanent solution for its treatment still eludes the orthopedic surgeon. Fracture neck of femur does not unite readily and this makes it a difficult problem to tackle (see box for the reasons). I am a ball and socket variety of joint with a high degree of stability and an excellent range of movements exceeded only by my counterpart the shoulder joint. This gives attachment to the ligamentum teres, which carries a small artery to the head. The deep socket of mine is formed by the acetabulum, which is lined by a horse shoe-shaped articular cartilage. The acetabular notch forms its inferior aspect, which is devoid of hyaline cartilage. Femoral head circulation is through three sources: ?Intraosseous cervical vessels. In fracture neck femur, intraosseous cervical vessels are disrupted and blood supply is dependent on artery of ligamentum teres and retinacular vessels only (Flow chart 45. Artery of ligamentum teres supplies only a small portion of head, hence, avascular necrosis of the head of the femur occurs if retinacular vessels, the only main source, are damaged in fracture neck femur. Revascularization of neck of femur from surrounding soft tissue before late segmental collapse. It also causes marked comminution of the posterior cortex and thus decreases the quality of reduction. Mechanism of Injury ?Majority are due to trivial fall, because of direct blow over the greater trochanter (Fig. Broad Classification ?Intracapsular-from subcapital area to the middle of the neck. Structural Classification ?Impacted-here the fragments are telescoped into each other. Based on Fracture Character ?Anatomical location: ?Sub capital-beneath the neck. There is minimal shortening and external rotational deformity of the affected limb due to the fracture being intracapsular. The capsule prevents the muscular forces from displacing the fracture fragments grossly. In impacted fracture neck of femur, the patient complains of groin pain, antalgic gait and restriction of hip movements. Other Investigations Radiography has limited value in assessing the vascular status of the femoral head. Hence, viability and vascularization of femoral head at the time of surgery is determined by: Fig. Surgery: Goal of surgery is anatomical reduction, impaction and stable internal fixation. Reduction Techniques Acceptable reduction is the key factor in decreasing risk of avascular necrosis following fracture neck femur. Closed reduction is tried first failing which Treatment Fracture neck femur is an orthopedic emergency, which needs to be reduced and fixed within 24 hours to get an optimum result.

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