Bionox Group Spain S.L. Its purpose is to make a positive impact in the lives of our clients and in society through innovative and disruptive solutions changing the concept of dressing. For this, we develop the latest generation of smart and biofunctional textiles and clothing.

We work to integrate technology into everyday life with the aim of making the simple gesture of putting on clothes improve people’s health and well-being. All our products are developed based on scientific evidence and backed by multiple clinical studies, and we are committed to continuous research.

We have a highly committed, highly qualified and multidisciplinary human team, which means that we can develop products of high technical and functional quality.

The Management establishes the structure, responsibilities and provides the technical, human and material resources necessary for putting our products on the market with full quality assurance.

The organization’s Quality Policy is based on the following principles.

  • Provide the appropriate work methodology for the correct performance of the work performed and complying with all established legal requirements, and other specific commitments relevant to the context of our organization.
  • Motivate people to feel the importance of their work as part of the company, thus achieving their full involvement in the proper development of all the company’s activities and assuming an awareness of continuous improvement in the effectiveness of the system , which helps minimize errors.
  • To take care of the image of the company at all times through the quality of our products.
  • Achieve continuous improvement of the satisfaction of all interested parties.

To ensure that all these guidelines are carried out, the Management is personally involved and ensures that the Quality Policy is communicated, understood and implemented at all levels of the organization and to all interested parties.